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Todoroki left the villa with a foul mood. He wandered around the streets for a while,then decided he'd go see his mother. He got in his car and drove off to the mental hospital, where his mother,Rei was.

Todoroki walked towards the front desk and asked the receptionist if he could see his mother. "Young master Todoroki, Good Afternoon", the receptionist greeted him with cheerful voice. "Good afternoon. Can I see her?" Todoroki asked. "Yes. She's in her room. But Only for 10 minutes, visiting hour is almost over" Todoroki thanked the receptionist and made his way to his mother's room. He knocked on the door. "Come in". Todoroki entered.

He saw his mother sitting in front of the window. Her hair dancing in the soft breeze. She smiled at him and greeted him. " Good afternoon." "Good afternoon, mom." Todoroki greeted back. He walked over to his mom and hugged her. Planting a kiss on her cheeks, Todoroki picked up a flower vas from the window stool and threw away the wilted flowers and put fresh white Lilies in it. He placed the vas back in it's place and sat down.

"How are you?" he asked. "I'm doing fine. The flowers smell nice." she said. "I'm glad you like them. Did you eat lunch? " he asked. "Yes. I've had my lunch. What about you? How are you? Have you had lunch yet?" she asked. "I'm...fine" he said. Rei noticed her son sounded a bit off. She twitched her eyebrows and asked,"really? You seem troubled by something". "It's just work pressure.. That's all" Todoroki lied. "I know it's not work pressure. You can't fool me, I'm Your mother. You're having problem with something else isn't it? Or should I say someone?" she asked. "I-I... Uh- I" he couldn't sat anything . Rei smiled looked at him and said "Don't worry. It's gonna be okay". She placed a hand on his cheek. She gently caressed the burn mark on his face.

The burn mark that she gave years ago. Rei is a beta and was once kind, caring, and loving towards Todoroki and in return, he loved her deeply. She always supported Todoroki such as trying to stop her husband's mad methods of making him a perfect alpha and encouraged her son to become the man he wanted to be. However, the constant abuse that she received from her husband caused her to become mentally unstable.

She was slowly becoming repulsed by her own children due to her seeing their resemblance to her husband in them. Eventually, her mentality became unstable to the point that one day she finally snapped upon seeing Todoroki's left side, which reminded her of Enji. This caused her to throw a kettle of boiling water she had near her over Todoroki's face, burning him. She did not, however, do this out of hatred for Shoto, but rather due to her mental instability and after doing so, she immediately attempted to soothe her son's burns, while hysterically apologizing to him and asking herself why she did it.

Todoroki never once accused or blamed her for hurting him. He knew his mother was suffering. He knew it was all because of his father. Since then Todoroki made a mental note to himself that if he was ever to get married, he'd never be like his father. He became more distant with his dad and practically shut himself after the incident. That was until he met Deku.

Deku's kind aura, his honesty,his positiveness changed something in Todoroki. He started to open up his heart, expressing himself more. Deku is his savior. He can't lose him. Todoroki was thinking about Deku when suddenly a thought crossed his mind. He sat up straight, startling Rei. "I have to go somewhere " he said. He stood up and placed a kiss in his mother's cheek and said "I've to go, sorry. I'll come visit you some other time." he said almost dashed off the room, leaving a very confused Rei behind.

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"Well, what can I help you with?" the girl in front of Todoroki asked. He was in a doctors chamber at the moment.

Momo Yaoyorozu,was a Beta gynecologist and his childhood friend. "I need some i formation. Can you help me?" Todoroki said. "What kind of information? " "About Omegas" he said. "Omegas? Why? Is deku okay?" Momo asked.

Momo was one of the few people who knew about Todoroki and deku's relation. "He's fine. He's perfectly healthy. I just wanted to know more about them.", he said. " Ow. It's good to know he's okay. So what do you want to know about them?",Momo asked. "Is it possible for omegas to get pregnant when they're not in heat?"-Todoroki asked. " Is deku kun-""No he's not." Todoroki cutt her off and said "Just tell me." "Well..the possibility of pregnancy with normal intercourse is almost zero", Momo said. "But there are cases of pregnancy, right?" Todoroki asked. "I said the chances are ALMOST zero. They get pregnant in rare casses with nomal intercourse. And even if they do, they were probably taking meds to induce their ovulation". Momo said. "Meds?" he asked. "Yes. Medicines to induce omega ovulation. It is still unconfirmed. It should be considered forbidden. Omega's body is not same as female body. Childbirth is a highly dangerous", she said. " Is that all?" Todoroki asked. "Yes" Momo said. She was going to say something more but a nurse came in said a patient needed her." I have to go. I have a patient waiting. " she said and started rush off. Todoroki thanked her and walked out of the hospital. He got in the car. Replaying what Momo just said. "Hmm...medicine to induce ovulation..... Deku's heat ended this month. There's still a month until his next heat and my engagement announcement is in next month... Medicine to induce ovulation....interesting " he thought. Todoroki smirked and drove off to somewhere.

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