Chapter 15:

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When you woke up it was 3 pm (what the-?!) so you waited for LJ and Jane to wake up before getting up from your bed. No way were you stepping on any more body parts! But they weren't there. So, you got up and went downstairs. You saw BEN on the floor near the TV playing his Nintendo 64. "'Sup. Good afternoon." He greeted with his back turned. You managed a little hello. You were about to go to the kitchen, when Jeff ran down the stairs and slapped your head from behind. You jerked forward and you almost fell but luckily, your hand found the handle of the fridge. Your head snapped in Jeff's direction and you were about to let out your fury when Jeff started breathing hard and said between gasps, "No *breathe* time to *breathe* explain!" He handed you a paper and continued, "The others left to go to France with Trendy. Slender insisted that BEN and I stay here to explain everything to you." You looked at the paper and started reading:

Dear (y/n),

It's me, Masky. I was wondering- I mean WE were wondering, if you wanted to go on a vacation with us. Trendy invited all of us to go to France! So, we hope you can come bro.



After you read it, you turned to Jeff and asked "Where are they now? Surely they'll be spotted if they go to a flipping airport." BEN paused his game and stood up to reveal that he wasn't wearing his usual Link outfit. He was wearing a green plaid shirt and black pants. His red eyes were now covered with blue contact lenses. Even Jeff looked different! Jeff was wearing a red sweater with the same black pants as BEN also, his face looked 'normal'. BEN spoke, "Yeah, they uh wore normal clothes to fit in." Jeff snickered and added, "You should've seen BEN and I! We had to draw on the Slender Brothers' faces! Ha ha ha! They looked so retarded." You chuckled and they both told you to get ready, because the flight was leaving in 2 hours. You hurried to your bedroom and started to shower.

*le time skip*

You slid down the stairs and now you were wearing (whatever you want to wear). BEN opened a portal in the TV and announced "This'll take us right to the airport!" Then without warning, Jeff pushed you in! You felt like you were falling in an endless void. Suddenly, everything stopped and you fell out off another TV....another TV in an airport. You stood up quickly before Jeff fell and BEN fell on him. "Get off me douche!" Jeff retorted. Ben grinned and said "Ha ha! Pay-back!"  Jeff punched BEN on the stomach and he fell off. You all hurried to the plane you were suppose to be in and handed your tickets to the lady near the entrance of the plane. She let you in and you all found your seats. You found that the other CP's were already seated and you took your seat next to Sally and this Russian dude. He was accompanied by a bottle of vodka. You sat uncomfortably and fastened your seatbelt on. Sally tapped you on the shoulder and asked "Uh, Ms. (y/n)? Can you fasten mine too? I've never been on a plane so I don't know how." You looked at the adorable 6 year old and nodded your head.

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