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Vegas brings Build to his underground torture room, although a bit reluctantly. He doesn't want Build to meet the Pervert who tried to take advantage of him when he was unconscious. 

Vegas remembers how he ran trying to save Build, hoping that build was unscathed, but instead was met with a sight of a stranger leaning on Build's unconscious body, his lips touching Build's. When Vegas saw that sight, he lost all control as the Demon inside him was let loose. 

Porche's POV 

I never would have thought that I would be in the receiving end of such a hard punch, and that too from such a strong Bastard. I touch my cheek lightly, there is no mirror to see but I can tell it must have gotten redder. 

"Thoui" That bastard. I was just trying to save the pitiful guy. And who even faints while fighting goons? Now I am being suspected...haa....

I lay down on my back. It's boring here. No-one has even bothered feeding me. 

"Oey! I am hungry!" I shout at the Bodyguard who is keeping a watch or who is supposed to keep watch cause most of the time, I see him dozing off. What a lousy Bodyguard. 

"Keep Quiet. Be thankful you are atleast alive. If not for Khun Build being unconscious or you would have been dead long ago for hurting Khun Vegas's man."

'Sigh' There's no use explaining myself to this guy anyways. The only thing I can do is wait and think about my next step. 

"Life is unpredictable right?" I ask myself as another sigh leaves my lips. 

"Where's he?" I hear a loud banging of door followed by the loud voice. 

"He is in the innermost cell. Walk slowly or you might get hurt." I hear another softer sound filled with care and worry. 

After some footsteps, the guy comes and stops right outside my cell. I can see him clearly now as opposed to days ago in the dark alley. He is very cute, the cutest I have seen in this life.

"Open the cell door." He tells the lousy bodyguard.

"Do as he says." and that's when the bodyguard opens the door as the cutie runs towards me as I sit up. He touches my cheeks carefully, afraid that it might hurt. 

"I am sorry..." he says softly all the while the bastard is looking angrily at me. 

"Are you all right?" He asks me. 

"Yes. In return for saving a stranger, I got myself punched in the face, Then locked up in this deserted place and starved to death. But ofcourse I am well." I reply sarcastically. 

The cutie then looks more guilty as he gives a pitiful look. "I am sorry. I will take responsibility for you." He announces as the bastard's frown gets bigger.



Build's POV
We are all sitting at the table - Me, Vegas and Porche. Porche actually looks pretty handsome. That's what's to be expected from the Main Protagonist I guess.

He hungrily bites down the food that is kept on the table while I eat the congee prepared by the Chef. Now that Porche has entered the Story so early, I am afraid about the Future. The story has deviated way beyond what I could have imagined to the Point that I cannot predict the end whatsoever.

I look towards Vegas as he is staring at Porche, deep in his thoughts that he doesn't notice me calling out his name.

'Has he fallen for Porche?'

After all, that was what was supposed to happen. Vegas falling in love with Porche. But then what about me?

"Excuse me Khun Wegath." Nop announces as we all stop and look at him.

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