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Father informed me that Kinn and his Father will be coming to our mansion tomorrow. As far as I have gathered from Pin, Pete saw Kinn in his Father's meeting when he was 15 and since then he always followed him everywhere but when Pete was 18 he stopped going out of the mansion. So it's been 5 years since Kinn and Pete last met. It also seems that Pete and Vegas never crossed paths with each other. Well, that makes it easier for me to disguise myself and infiltrate the Theerapanyakul House.

I have to make sure that Vegas lives and doesn't fall for Porche and get heartbroken in the end.

I initially thought that I could stop my marriage with Kinn but considering the fact that it's a union between the Saengtham and Theerapanyakul Clan, but of course the Elders wouldn't agree with my refusal. And will force me in this marriage saying that It was initially my idea. The only way it can be cancelled is if the Elders agree.

I look at the documents that Neem gave me under the Name 'Build Jakapan Putha'. I never imagined I would use my real name in the Novel. As per the my insider knowledge, Theerapanyakul family would be recruiting bodyguards and servants this time of the year. This is my chance to get close to Vegas under the guise of a Bodyguard. 

And for that I must first leave this household. According to my calculations, The bodyguards outside the mansion change their shift at 2 am sharp and it takes them 3 minutes to come back. I have those three minutes to run away. The Main gate will be guarded heavily so I can only use the Back gate frequently usef by the servants. 

I look up to see the Clock. 1:25. I have already changed my attire. If I wear my usual clothes people would notice that I am some rich kid so I instead borrowed clothes from Neem. I take my bag filled with some necessary items for my survival. I sneakily walk past the Rose garden towards the servants cottage and to the Back gate. I wait till the servants leave and as soon as they do I take a leap of faith as I jump across the wall to the outside world.

Yes. I am finally outside. Congratulations Pete. I can finally fulfill my dream of meeting My Vegas. My? No he isn't mine. I will just help him so that he doesn't fall for Porche and instead I will find him some another appropriate candidate as his life partner and help him in his endeavors. I will then look at him from afar and feel happy by seeing him living happily with his husband and kids. Yes that's my mission.

Changing the End of this Novel. 

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