Chapter 16 - The Competition

Start from the beginning

Really, how had he surrounded himself with a bunch of worriers? If Rulshkka wasn't so certain in his own abilities, they would've made him nervous by sheer proximity. 

They reached the Pit in no time at all, and Rulshkka parted from the pair with promises of winning. He watched them leave to the stands specifically reserved for members of high-ranking status. As a rule, the Vokkra podium was empty during the Competition, to give all those who were competing the hope that they would succeed and take its throne for their own. 

They wouldn't, of course. 

Rulshkka stepped into the underbelly of the Pit's stands. On the ends of the U-shaped stadium were rooms to prepare the oncoming participants of the Competition. Underneath the throne and entrance to the arena was the room designated for the participating Vokkra. It was cold and familiar, empty and quiet. Waiting for him in the room was Rukka. 

Rulshkka greeted her with a serene smile. Rukka rolled her eyes, uncrossing her arms and grasping him by the shoulders. 

"Do not make me play advisor to some unworthy Vokkra, Rulshkka," she told him. 

He scoffed, something visceral in the back of his throat. "After I have just found my footing in the Council, dear sister? I have plans to enact; big plans." 

Rukka stared at him for a moment longer, searching for something he did not know he possessed. She must have found it, though, because she pulled away with a little huff. "I suspect there are many Cord fanatics in the pool today. They will likely ambush you." 

"They can try," he replied. She looked at him sharply. 

"Do not let your ego blind you, brother," she snapped. Rulshkka placed his hands on her shoulders, now. "Arrogance will not-"

"Rukka, the Spirits are on my side. Even now, I feel their energy flowing through my veins. I will not lose. Not today. Not for a long time." 

His sister nodded stiffly, bumping into his shoulder on her way out. Once again, Rulshkka was left in the room, listening to the thundering of the crowd above him. He leaned against the cool stone wall, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. 

another fight, the Sprits whispered to him. Rulshkka often wondered if any previous Vokkra had been privy to their thoughts such as he. you will win.

A threat and a promise all at once. 

"I will," he spoke to the air. He felt a pulse of something that tasted like victory wash through him. 

A brief knock on the door sounded and it was opened to reveal one of the several officiators monitoring the event. Unbiased and vetted thoroughly by the Council, these Vokkrus were the most qualified for the job. They declared whether or not certain moves were allowed, and - although it happened so rarely it was considered a myth - if the Competition was to end early due to unforeseen circumstances. Such as the competing Vokkrus offering such little competition that it would just be a slaughter. 

The Competition would commence shortly, the official told him. Rulshkka nodded and started to prepare himself. 

When the Competition started, Rulshkka would be escorted to the middle of the Pit. The sandy arena would have several weapons strewn about to pick at one's leisure. The first wave of competitors would be released into the Pit shortly after and the battle would commence. 

He checked his gear, first. The tight, form-fitting leather would offer protection against claws, to a certain extent, but would do little against certain weapons. That was alright by him; he had little intention of allowing anyone with a weapon to get close to him for a strike. 

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