| Destined Soulmates |

Start from the beginning

Soon enough, sleep had taken you over, and to your surprise, you were competent to slip fast asleep.


Okay. Bad idea

With no surprise, you were woken up by a sharp pain in your left cheek. It felt like a sharp knife steered across the edge of the skin gently and caused terrific damage. You could almost taste your blood. If a pain felt this way, something cold would normally ease the discomfort.

But you didn't even want to try to go back to bed now that you were wide awake. Your soulmate could do whatever they wanted at this point, you were no longer fazed.

The pain never left though, and a stinging sensation was kicking in.

In a frustrated manner, you nabbed warm clothing that was within your reaching distance and immediately headed out of your window and into the senseless frosty New York air. You reasoned a walk around your neighborhood would draw you away from your misery. And you were right.

Although the unkind cold atmosphere was numbing your senses, it had calmed the pain in your cheek. The copper-like taste was gone and you were able to tire yourself from any more pain. You continued to enjoy your peaceful night walk.

That was until you heard a sudden commotion in a nearby alley.

Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to check out the scene, being careful of your surroundings to not get caught in between the conflict. You knew you were being risky and somehow, you weren't able to listen to your advice and hid behind a large mountain of garbage.

It was a small group attacking some sort of large pig-like creature. You weren't able to make out their faces but there were about four people that fought back against the beast, hearing snarky remarks and grunts and battle cries.

You could tell they were young, judging by their voices and immaturity. But you had also wondered why such a conflict stood in one of your neighbor's alleyways. Before you could respond to your question, the creature forcefully knocked one of the fighters onto a pile of garbage that was up against the wall opposite of you. Once he was hit, your back ran with pain down.

Shit. Not now. You winced at the sudden uneasiness. With a grunt, the guy carefully stood back up again.

You were finally able to make out his figure and your eyes laid on a turtle-like being. He carried his weapon confidently in his hands as a bloody grin was placed on his face. It seemed as if the villain's attacks did nothing to him.

He sure hid his pain well.

Another crash was heard on your side of the building and another fighter had been hit harder. The blue-masked vigilante gazes toward his teammate. "Donnie!" he yelled almost immediately. Smoke from the strong impact spread all around, causing your lungs to ask for air and cough. Which was a stupid thing to do because the turtle quickly whipped his head around, staring wide-eyed at you.

"Guys? We got human company." He yelled to his other teammates without taking his gaze off you.

"Dammit! Leo! Get 'er to safety! Meat Sweats ain't givin' up and neither are we!" Another turtle cried out to the blue-masked guy. He nodded and quickly made his way toward you but before he could even take a step, the villain turned his attention away from the others and slugged the turtle on the side of his head before reaching you. The mutant was once again on the ground, groaning in pain.

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