Chapter Two

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Morning came, as the birds chirped which had woken Katsuki. He rolled over, his bed empty, his heart empty. The spot where Izuku used to rest still had a slight indent. Katsuki closed his eyes as his heart and soul became contaminated by deep sorrow.

          He rubbed his eyes and sat up gently. It took what felt like every ounce of strength Katsuki had left to get up. He stood at the fridge, loss of motivation to cook, loss of motivation to eat, and walked away. Katsuki plopped on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

          He sat there, empty minded, until he remembered the previous night at the river. "What was that?" he thought. Adjusting his position he began thinking how it didn't seem like an imagination. He thought maybe it could happen again, maybe he could see him. So he got up, put on his coat, and headed towards the forest.

          He walked along, deeper and deeper into the forest. The idea of being able to see Izuku again made him rush. He brushed past the trees and his fast walk began to turn into a sprint. Once he reached the river he stepped by it and looked into his reflection, nothing. Then kneeled down to get a closer look, hoping maybe it would work. The silence became overwhelming, and all he could see himself. He stood up and rubbed his eyes, attempting to wipe away the pain.

          he sat back down with his head turned towards the blue sky. He looked back down at the water with high hopes. Nothing once again. Knots filled up his throat and tied up in his stomach. He sat there crying by the river. Tears trickling down his cheek, and drying up on his cold face. Leaning over the river one more time, a single teardrop splashed into the river, small ripples followed. Katsuki closed his eyes and wished. He wished over and over again until he swore he heard a distant voice. A voice he knew. He opened his eyes and there he was.

          Izuku was looking back at him in the reflection. The movement of the river distorted Izuku, but it was definitely him. Katsuki reached out towards the water hoping to touch Izuku, all he felt was water. Hope flooded through Katsukis veins. He could see Izuku. His eyes filled with tears. He covered his mouth in disbelief. The he realized Izuku was trying to speak.

          Katsuki scooted closer in excitement. He sat there looking at the reflection concentrating on the distant mumbles, trying to make out words, but he understood nothing. "I cant hear you Deku", he said. Katsuki continued looking at Izuku. Even though he was quite distorted, he could still see his movements. Then Katsuki saw Izuku reach his arm out towards him. Katsuki had a feeling, a strange one.

          He reached into the water slowly, trying to take Izukus hand. thats when suddenly he was pulled into the water. Only he seemed to have been pulled into something else. What used to be the river, was now a dark, empty, eery place. Katsuki flipped in through and ended up on the other side. He looked behind and down and around him. Confused at where he was. He then realized Izuku was there. He was alive.

          Katsuki grabbed Izuku and held him so close he nearly suffocated the both of them. Tears flooded down their faces, soaking their clothes. They held each other as they sobbed without any words. Katsukis stomach clenched and trailed all the way up to his throat. Izuku was alive.

Izuku pushed Katsuki back from hugging any longer. He wiped Katsuki's tears for him. Izuku cupped Katsuki's face in his hands and they smiled at each other. Then Izuku let go, and wiped his own tears. Katsuki has to grasp onto himself a little longer to make sure his heart didn't pound out of his chest. Izuku looked down, Katsuki could tell that something was wrong.

Izuku looked back up at Katsuki, who had a very concerned expression. "I need to show you something." Izuku grabbed his hand and started sprinting. They ran and ran. Katsuki couldn't see anything in the distance, in any direction. It was all blackness. They sprinted farther and farther and Katsuki was starting to become really confused on what Izuku could possibly be showing him. It seemed now that anything could be possible.

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