Chapter 11

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I may have followed her to the grocery store

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I may have followed her to the grocery store...and the coffee shop but it was only to talk to her.

Even though I haven't known her for that long Ive learned that if I was to just show up to her house the door and my face  would be friends in a matter of seconds.

So I followed her from her house to a place where she can't slam a door in my face... so I thought.

When she saw me at the coffee shop I could have sworn I saw steam come out of her ears. She walked right past me as if she didn't see me or miles standing right here.

She slammed her car door and started her engine. I had miles get in front of the vehicle thinking it would stop her but it didn't she just scared him out of the way.

I followed her into the grocery store thinking that It would be a better scene but again I was wrong.

The anger that radiates off of her once she caught sight of me could burn down a tiny village and I don't know why but it bothered me.

Her sudden hate for me burned a hole into my stomach that only appeared when she looked at me. It was like a black hole that opened and drained my energy.

When her eyes would meet mine filled with rage and irritation it gave me this feeling that I've never felt before. It made my hands shake and my jaw clench,while also making me satisfied and confident at the same time.

If I'm being honest I don't know why I feel this way. When I first met her the only reason why I was nice to her was to get close to her father. I knew who she was when I first laid eyes on her and my plan was to get a new ally. It worked but not In the way I wanted it too. Instead of getting a new set of guns I got a fucking wife.

And suddenly my urge to be kind to her disappeared and was replayed with resentment and hatred. I understand that it's not her fault but I can't help but feel as though it is. I was being nice to her because of her status in the mafia and in return I don't get anything but a girl who's bound to be a spoiled brat.

But I had a plan. A plan that would drive us to separate sides of the house and allow me to do whatever I want.

In any other case I would just refuse to marry her but the gain for making this brat my wife is too good for me to just deny. I have to make her hate me so that when we do say the vows of loyalty she doesn't want anything to do with me after that night.

For the rest of our lives I'm on one side of the house and she's on the other. Not paying each other any mind.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sorry for the short chapter I've been kind of busy lately😕

Sorry for the short chapter I've been kind of busy lately😕

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