Wayne to Adopt

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...Gotham Darling Bruce Wayne has opened his heart and home to the recently orphaned former circus performer, Richard "Dick" Grayson...

He couldn't have just one normal night out with a pretty girl. This was, of course, Gotham City. Nothing was ever normal here. And. Who was he kidding?

He chose this life.


He could have become a doctor - a surgeon - like his father. Or dedicate more time and resources to relief efforts like his mother.

But he saw his city in turmoil.

And who was he to ignore the call?

He donned his cape and cowl and hoped Verity could forgive him for ditching their date. She seemed like a sensible person. And he really was having a nice time.

Now if only he could get her to take off her gloves so he could see her soulmark... He had a strange sense that it would be a match. He would likely never be able to explain it. But. He just knew.

And as Batman hung upside down examining the trapeze equipment for signs of tampering, he hoped Verity had the good sense to either wait for Bruce to come back or get out of the tent with everyone else. Or both.

A flash of red hair caught his eye.

Of course. Some things were too good to be true.

Verity "I'm rather terrified of heights" Iyer. Climbing a rickety metal ladder a hundred feet up to save a child.

He didn't know if he should be impressed or worried. Either way, she would surely be the death of him.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he turned on his comms and called for Alfred.

"Here, Master Bruce. Not the evening you were expecting, I take it?"

"You could say that." He grumbled, "Could you come by the fairgrounds and take Verity home? I want to make sure the boy is taken care of."

"The boy, sir?"

Batman swallowed hard and let out a shaky exhale before answering.

"Yes, Alfred. A young acrobat. His... his parents were murdered tonight."

"I see. I am sorry, sir. I'll be there shortly."

He collected the evidence he needed and met with Gordon in the ring. Verity had thankfully made it safely back down and was speaking with the young boy. Paramedics had wrapped him a blanket and Verity gave him her stuffed elephant to hold.

"Didn't I tell you to stay out of trouble?" Gordon asked her when she approached.

"Certainly endeavoring to." She replied with a weak smile. She gestured to the boy, "I wanted to make sure Dick will be looked after."

"I'd love to let him stay with his circus family," Gordon sighed, pushing his glasses up his nose, "But rules are rules and he's now a ward of the state. I'll pull what string I can to let him stay with Haley's while the circus is still in town but... He'll go into the foster care system unless we can find a relative to take him in."

"That's awful."

"Is what it is." He sighed again, "Nasty business. Murder at a damn circus..."

"Commissioner," Batman said, "There's something you should see."

Verity looked up at him. Studying his jawline and dark blue eyes. Obviously she'd met Batman before but now... Something about him seemed eerily familiar.

"Excuse us, duchess." He said, pulling Gordon's attention away. Even his voice was a familiar timbre.

Could it be?

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