Tragedy at Haley's Circus

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…Nearly twenty-two years to the day of the infamous Wayne double homicide, trapeze artists John and Mary Grayson fell to their deaths when their equipment malfunctioned. No definitive report yet, but authorities suspect foul play…

Bruce couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to Central City. As a general rule, he tried to avoid leaving Gotham for long periods of time. And recently there had been a few break-ins at competing research facilities he’d promised Gordon he’d look into. Not to mention the worry that Wayne Enterprises could be next. But Oliver Queen had asked for a favor and he was annoyingly difficult to say no to.

“Alright, what am I looking for, again?”

“Red and yellow blur.” Green Arrow reminded him. “Were you even paying attention to my briefing? Felicity worked very hard on that presentation.”

“No I didn’t.” Felicity’s voice cut in over the comms, “He just thinks saying that will get him back on my good side. Still mad, Oliver. Still mad.”

“Felicity.” He grumbled, dropping his head into his arms.

“Do you… want to talk about it?” Batman asked cautiously. Please say no.

“Not while she can still hear us.”

“I heard that!” Felicity said.

Batman sighed, “Why do you need my help again?”

“You own more satellites than I do.” Arrow shrugged.

Batman rolled his eyes. “Superman has superspeed. He’d be better suited for this.”

“I asked. He’s got a date.”

“At least one of you has a decent work-life balance.” Felicity quipped.

“You know what, I’m gonna find another rooftop.” Batman sighed, reaching for his grappling hook, “I’ll let you know if I find anything.”

Several months ago the particle accelerator was at S.T.A.R. Labs failed and caused an explosion. That seemed as good a place as any to conduct an investigation of his own. He switched off the comms Oliver provided. He and Felicity clearly had something they needed to work out, and Bruce didn’t want to be caught in the middle.

He had better things to do.

Like reading up on the Markovian royal family. See if there was anything in Verity's past that might have given her superhuman capabilities. What was it she said to Gordon when he asked about the blast?

It just 'happened' sometimes.

That led him to believe it happened before. And could again.

Should he be worried she didn't seem to have much control over it? Probably. Was he? Not particularly no.

Thankfully, Alfred was an avid researcher and could keep looking into Markovia for him.

Slipping through the shadows with practiced ease, he prowled the facility. It was mostly abandoned, several areas closed indefinitely. He came across a small workshop, tools and prototypes scattered about. From there he found a cortex where several monitors and computer equipment were set up. A dark haired woman in a lab coat, a casually dressed man with long hair, and a man in a wheelchair were watching the monitors with close intent. Ah. There was Oliver’s blur. He crept further into the room to get an ID on each of them.

Doctor Caitlin Snow, BioMedical Engineer

Cisco Ramon, Mechanical Engineer

Harrison Wells, Scientist

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