Chaos at Charity Function

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…Victor Fries - also known as Mr. Freeze - crashed the Wayne Foundation Charity Gala last night demanding money and jewelry from those attending. He also targeted Markovia's visiting duchess, Verity Iyer, in the hopes she could point him towards the fabled 'Diamond of Markovia'. Her grace has declined to comment at this time…

At last, the rain finally relented, leaving the city cool and damp. Fairy lights strung over the looped driveway up to the gothic Wayne Manor twinkled like little stars. Verity watched their reflections dancing in the puddles as the town car carried them to the front steps.

They called it a manor. A mansion. But with the sharp gothic arches and stained glass and Gargoyles looming above… it resembled something darker. Something sacred.

Holy ground.

Verity read her share of tabloids and newspapers. It wouldn't take a genius to find information on the Wayne Family. And it did make her heart ache when she learned he was orphaned young. And how.

It's a terrible thing to watch a loved one die.

And worse to be unable to stop it.

When the car came to a stop and a footman opened the door, Vincent stepped out first to help Verity from the car. She smiled warmly at him, linking their arms as they made their way up the red-carpeted steps, holding her gauzy, layered gold tulle skirts out of the way with her free hand so she wouldn't trip on the hem. A swarm of paparazzi lined the steps, their flashing cameras making her head spin. She pulled Vincent close and stage whispered,

"Smile, but don't give in to their questions."

He gave a nearly imperceptible nod in response, a practiced smile pulling at his boyish features.

Bruce and Silver stood just inside greeting guests as they arrived while ushers pointed them in the direction of the ballroom.

"Your grace," He kissed the back of one gloved hand, "Thank you for coming."

"Mr. Wayne," She greeted him with a sly smile, "You have a lovely home. And I must thank you for the flowers you sent. I've put them in the study so I might see them while I work."

"Oh." He blinked. He had no idea what kind of flowers Sarah picked out to send. "Oh good. I'm glad." He turned to Vincent and shook his hand, "You must be Vincent. Thank you for coming."

"Nice to meet you." Vincent mumbled, smiling weakly.

"Darling!" Silver flounced over and kissed Verity on both cheeks. She gave Vincent an appraising look and then a winning smile, "And you must be Vincent! I've heard so much about you, dear. Do follow me to the ballroom!"
Silver took Vincent's arm and practically dragged him away, leaving Bruce and Verity standing in the front hall. Gaten hovered a few feet away, pretending to look for security issues.
Verity slowly followed in the direction Silver went, fidgeting with the seams of her gloves as she walked. Bruce fell into step beside her.

"You look lovely, your grace." He said softly. The gold fabric cast a warm glow over her skin. It seemed someone pulled the sun from the sky and wrapped her in it.

She was silent for a moment. Trying to decide if he meant it or just said it because he wanted something. Unable to find a conclusion, she still thanked him with a small smile.

WillowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora