little family

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Laila's pov.

I wake up with a start. There are tears on my cheeks and my breathing is shallow.
I had that nightmare again, and this time, it felt so real. I take a deep breath and look around. I realize with a start that I'm not at home anymore.
As I take in my surroundings I notice a wet patch on my pajama bottoms and all on the grey sheets of this strange bed. My panic rises when I realize that it's my teacher Miss. Handsern who is calmly sleeping beside me.
With shallow breaths and panicked thoughts, I scramble off of the bed.

'oh no I messed up, she's gonna be so angry, I gotta get out of here!' I try to find the door but I only found a closet. Deciding it was the best option I crawl all the way to the back. I curl myself up very small and silently sob.

Tristan pov.

My alarm goes off, too loud if you ask my opinion. I groan and am about to turn over and go back to sleep, when last night's memories flood my mind. I have my two girls!!!
With that thought, I jump out of bed to check on them. It is quite early so I don't expect them to be awake, but I just want to make sure it wasn't just a dream.
I make my way to the guest room and silently open the door. It's pretty dark but I can make out Zaila's sleeping form on the bed but there is no sign of Laila. I head to the bathroom, thinking that Laila probably needed to go. It was empty. I feel a cold dread as I go to turn on the lights.
Once the lights are on, much to Zaila's annoyance, I begin to look for Laila. I am  checking under the bed when I notice a big wet stain on the sheets. I look over at Zaila and see that she noticed it too.
"Given her past, She probably got scared she would be in trouble " Zaila says softly as she yawns and rubs the sleep from her eyes.
"You are right ," I say "and so she probably hid" my eyes scan the room for the perfect hiding spot for a small, frightened girl. My eyes come to rest on the closet door that is slightly a jar. Slowly I walk towards it and crouch down. I peer in, and I feel my heart break. There she is, curled up crying her little heart out. I go in to comfort her but when she sees me she lets out a terrified whimper and scurries backwards.
I am slightly disappointed, but I understand. She is afraid of men. Silently I motion for Zaila to take my place and I head down to make breakfast.

Zaila's pov.

I crouch down next to the sobbing girl and reach out my arms. To my surprise she scurries into my arms and holds on to me for dear life. I gently rub my hands up and down her back. I go to pat her bum gently, when I feel her tense up. I realize that her bum is all wet.
"Hey hun, how about we take a quick bath ok? It's ok we all have accidents sometimes" I whisper in her ear as I stand up. She lets out a whimper and clings tighter. I sigh and realize she won't let go of me, and she is too deep in little space for me to explain it to her. So I make the decision to shower with her.
I quickly undress her and myself as she whines and reaches for me. Once I'm done I pick her up and start the shower. I whisper soft nothings into her ear as I gently wash her. Once we are done I step out and wrap us both in a towel.
I sit her on the bed with a fluffy towel around her as I go to get dressed in a grey set.

I come back to Laila and see her with her hand in her mouth, and looking around wide eyed

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I come back to Laila and see her with her hand in her mouth, and looking around wide eyed. she's adorable' I think as I dress her in a fluffy bunny sweater and discreetly put a pull up on her

 she's adorable' I think as I dress her in a fluffy bunny sweater and discreetly put a pull up on her

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Then I lift her up and take her downstairs to eat breakfast.

Tristan pov

I just finished putting the breakfast out and I quickly shower. I hear my girls start to go downstairs as I pull on my pants

I internally coo as I see Zaila holding a very cuddly and very little Laila

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I internally coo as I see Zaila holding a very cuddly and very little Laila.
My little family, I think to myself as I sit down to breakfast.

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