the nightmare

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Laila pov
Trigger warning: please read at your own risk!
Those shoes are in front of me again. The only thing between me and my freedom. My eyes are glued to the dreaded belt.
"look at me"
That voice....... The voice that haunts me everyday.
Slowly his body materializes before me as my eyes meet his cold blue ones.
"Good girl," he purrs "you know you deserve this right?" He crouched down and softly strokes my cheek.
"Yes sir" I answer humbly
"Tell me," he pauses but I already know the question, and in turn the answer."why do you deserve this?"
"Because I am a worthless waste of space and a slutty whore sir." My voice is almost robotic from the many times I was forced to repeat this.
"Good" his cold, icy voice says as he stands up. Before I can brace myself.....whack,the pain spreads as I begin to scream.
-end of dreams
I jolted awake, tears streaming down my face. I grab my stuffie, mr snuggles,
"Mistew nuggews, I has a scawy dweem. Pweez pwotect me." I cry as I bury my face in his matted fur.
Sniffling, my eyes begin to shut again as I drift off to sleep

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