Chapter Twenty-four 🔥:

Start from the beginning

She shrugged, leaning into my touch. "I was. Am. I should be used to this," she sighed. "My life wasn't mine to begin with. All these plans and facts and," she wiggled her fingers dramatically, "demon attacks only prove it. I'm just a soul everyone wants to use to their advantage—dead or alive. It sucks."

It did suck. And one hundred years ago, Priscilla felt the same; not to the extreme of now, but to be used, unappreciated, neglected, and ignored. She hadn't felt worth it.

Until I came into her life. A demon who sought to kill for his own gain... instead wanted to love and value her for eternity.

I slid my thumb over her cheek again. "I never wanted you to feel like this," I said. "And maybe that's why I ran when I first saw you. I tried to avoid you, but I..." I bit my bottom lip. "I kept going back. And I'm sorry."

Priscilla pressed herself against my chest. Without the bandages and my cuts healed, it was nice to feel her this close. "Don't apologize," she said. "I waited forever to meet you and wanted you ever since. After our first kiss at my apartment, I can't stop thinking of the possibilities. And that's selfish or foolish, but I know our love was strong because I feel it now."

What she said warmed me. Every part of me. I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her so tenderly, she trembled. Her eyes closed, her knees pressed together. As my skin burned, yearning for more, I kissed her again.

"What if we just ripped off the band-aid?" she whispered. "Just dove back into our relationship as if it never ended."

I blinked, licking my bottom lip. "What?"

"It'll be good for both of us," she whispered, pressing herself even more against me. "A stress reliever, you know."

Stress reliever? The look on her face, the dark red color spreading over her cheeks, I knew what she was hinting at. Such a mortal reaction, but could I deny that?

"You want to sleep with me?" I whispered. My hand slid up her neck, gently squeezing until she gasped. The golden light in her auburn eyes faded, darkening with the sins she was supposed to be immune to.

"Is this how it was?" she whimpered, holding my gaze. "Did you fuck me like this?"

I breathed on her lips. The bulge in my jeans tightened, ached, and pulsed for freedom. For her. Despite what she said, I didn't give in to her swollen lips. Kissing her was delicious, but this? I felt selfish. "Everything was different then," I whispered, brushing my thumb against her bottom lip. "It wasn't like this. We wanted each other equally."

"Oh?" Even with her pressed against me, breasts against my chest, hips close to mine, Priscilla still found a way to snake her hand between the smallest gap between us. Her fingers played with the button of my jeans before trailing down to my dick. It twitched, and she giggled. Huskily. "I think you want me as much as I want you," she cooed.

She was testing me. And as much as I liked it, I needed her to know the fire she was playing with. I wasn't just a dream or some dormant memory from her past. I was physically here, present, and her reality; just like she wanted. Sins hunted us because I broke every rule. I was a danger. I was the endgame. Sleeping with me would taint her soul.

Gabriel will kill me before the Sins do.

"This is different," I bit her top lip, "because I've loved you for over a hundred years, so fuck yes, you're what I want right now. But you?" I trailed my tongue over the light pink bite. "Do you know what you're getting into? What do you want?"

"I want you. I said that already," she breathed. "This is more than my dreams, I—"

Sliding my hand higher up her neck, I pressed my thumb right beneath her chin. She hissed, her eyes shimmering as she looked into mine. I brought my lips to hers but didn't kiss her. "That's what you need to realize, Priscilla. I'm not a dream. I'm real." I nipped at her top lip. "And fucking me means there's no going back. I can't save you. Gabriel can't save you. We'll be bound together in Hell and—"

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