Chapter 17: The Cute Clothes

Start from the beginning

"I'm super excited! I've never been on a shopping trip with friends before!" Sayori exclaimed.

"Really? Well, I guess that's not a huge surprise. I used to go all the time. What about you, Komi?" Natsuki asked curiously, "Probably not, right?" She presumed.

Komi answered by holding up one shaky finger.

"Oh, really? What did you guys do?" Natsuki asked curiously.

"We picked some potential outfits for me to wear. That's how I found this dress." She wrote her answer.

"What?! No way! That sounds super fun! We should totally do that!" Sayori said excitedly, jumping up and down with her hands on both of their shoulders.

"Heheheh, alright, alright! Komi, you pick out a store, and we'll all try to find brand new outfits." Natsuki decided.

"Let's do it! I know you wanna stock up on more cute clothes, Natsuki." Sayori said with a giggle.

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" Natsuki asked, raising an eyebrow while resting the back of her wrist against her hip.

"You always pick out the cutest clothes to wear! And you always look super cute wearing them!" Sayori said with a smile. Natsuki blushed in embarrassment and looked away.

"Hey, I-I'm not cute. You know I hate when you tease me like that." She muttered.

"I think you look really cute, Natsuki." Komi complimented her. Natsuki's eyes widened a little. She gritted her teeth slightly as she choked back the response she wanted to give.

"Urk! Come on, you two. You're embarrassing me! Let's just go to the shop already!" Natsuki said, retreating from the conversation and leading the way out of the food court.

The three girls made their way through the mall. Sayori was chatting away to Komi, but Natsuki was distracted from the conversation because she was starting to notice that a lot of people there were looking in their general direction...

An unfortunate side effect of hanging out with Komi.

Komi pointed them to a store that she had been to before with Tadano and her other friends. She was nervous about attempting to pick out clothes herself – she wasn't used to that.

However, before they could get started, they were approached by a certain Naijimi-like individual.

"Hey, Komi! Didn't expect to see you here, especially without Tadano!" Naijimi greeted her with a laugh. Komi blushed in embarrassment at the comment.

"Hi! Are you one of Komi's friends?" Sayori asked curiously.

"That's right! Naijimi Osana at your service!" Naijimi greeted her with a smile.

"Nice to meet ya, Naijimi! I'm Sayori! And this is our friend, Natsuki!" Sayori introduced the both of them as she shook hands with Naijimi.

"Nice to meet you." Natsuki said formally.

"The pleasure's all mine! Any friend of Komi's is my friend too! So whatcha three up to? Just hanging out? Picking out some cute clothes?" Naijimi asked curiously.

"That's right." Natsuki answered with a nod.

"Sounds fun! You know last time we were here, we all made a game out of picking out outfits for Komi to try on." Naijimi brought up.

"Ooh really?! That sounds super fun! We should try that, Komi!" Sayori said to her. Komi flinched in surprise.

"Hmm," Natsuki stroked her chin and turned to look at Komi. "You know, I might actually have some ideas of things you could wear, Komi." She said.

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