Just another day, right? (5)

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"Thanks for the ride, Luffy." Law says while waving a small goodbye. "Goodnight Traffy! Sleep well nishishi!" Luffy says while waving goodbye back and with a big smile. Law slightly smiles has he starts unlocking his apartment door. "Thanks again." Law says to Luffy before finally stepping inside. As Law enters he get's greeted by his dad. "Woah you're back early! Did someone drop you off?" 


"Was it a girl? Did you finally get a girlfriend way to go kid!" Corazon says laughing. "Dad I'm not interested in any of that! How many times to I have to repeat myself.." Law says already tired from school. 

"Also.. didn't you have important stuff to do?" Law says. "Oh yeah I was just gonna make some coffee before I saw someone unlocking the door. Thought it was an intruder for a second." Corazon says. "And before I forget did you get into a club?" Corazon says as he walks into the kitchen and begins to prepare his coffee. 

"Yeah." Law says slightly smiling. Remembering Luffy. "I caught that! You smiled! Did something happen?" Corazon grinned. "I'm going to sleep." And with that Law left Corazon in suspense. "But- *sigh* whatever there's nothing I can do. Also why do I smell something burning.. AHHHHHHH-"


Law in his room begins to open his notebook full of homework. "What a pain." Law groans. He turns to his side to reach his phone. Law hasn't opened his phone much less the dozens of messages that have been spamming him. 

Once he opens them it's just a bunch of text messages worried that Law might be dead because he hasn't responded back. He texts' them back that he still is in fact alive then goes back to his work.

Law just turns back to his homework. Dreading ever being alive.


As it's currently Monday a week has gone by since Law's first day at his new school. And a week since meeting Luffy. Pretty weird how time goes by huh? As Law walks into school all is fine until he remembers something.

 After school today he has to go to his new club. And if it wasn't a reminder enough Luffy begins to scream and wave at Law saying these words. "Traffy! Aren't you excited to go to the gaming club today after school? Because I am nishishi!!" Luffy screams out. How embarrassing..! Law thinks

Without hesitation Law grabs him by his mouth and throws him to the ground. "You stupid idiot don't just yell that were everyone can hear you!" Law says clearly embarrassed. As to which Luffy stands up to jump on top Law. "There's nothing wrong with it so why should I!"

As to which Law replies by simply groaning in annoyance. "Let's just go to class idiot." Law says. "And get off me." Law says. "Sorry forgot." Luffy says grinning.

In the distance there can be heard a group of people. "Hey Nami don't you think it's oddly weird how Luffy keeps ditching us to go with that drug dealer looking guy." Usopp says while staring at Law and Luffy walking.

 "You're right I've been noticing it too. But it's only been a week nothing to worry about. We are his friends after all." Nami says. "She's right he would never trade us for the world." Robin says butting in. "Friends since childhood that's going way back." She adds on while chuckling. "You're so right Robin-swannnn! And so gorgeous!!" Sanji yells.

"I know, I know I'm just worried, that guy still feels fishy." Usopp says. "Don't sweat if remember if he does anything to hurt him we'll be right by Luffy." Sanji says turning back 'normal'. He then turns his attention back to Zoro to argue with him again. Although they're a couple they can't seem to stop fighting.. "How are they even together? It doesn't make sense at all." Nami says while sighing then laughing. 


While Law and Luffy both walk together to their homeroom class they encounter some rather close friends of Law. "Yo dude have you been ghosting us or something? Whenever we try and talk it's like you avoid us and don't have time for us." Penguin says half teary. The rest being the same. 

"Well it's that this duffus has being all over me this whole week." Law says while pointing at the male shorter than him. "You know I can hear you right!" Luffy says clearly angry. Law chuckles at his reaction. "Yeah yeah."

Law's friends can't help but get shocked at Law's and Luffy's interaction. Especially Law. He isn't the talkative type. Maybe now they understand why their friend doesn't have time for them. 

"Sorry to interrupt but I think we should get going. And Law I'm glad you've finally been opening up to other people." Shachi says pretty much talking for the rest. Law a bit confused just waes goodbye to them. Luffy doing the same thing. As to which Law doesn't know why. "Hey why did you wave at them you don't even know them."

"Why not? Your friends are my friends! Nishishi!" Luffy says. Law just drags Luffy to finally get inside their class.

"You're an idiot." Law says a bit flustered.


Law has been dreading for the day to end. Knowing what's to come. As he goes into a club meeting he realizes something. "Where is everyone else!?" Law says confused. Just a second later Luffy enters. "Traffy!"



"I said no." 

"Um well, where's everyone else?" Luffy says clueless. "I guess we were the only morons to actually join this club." Law says. "But I guess this way we can do whatever we want until 6:00 pm." Law adds on. As to which Luffy reacts excitedly. "Then let's do something fun!" Luffy yells. "This is a gaming club anyway so we can play a few bored games until then." Luffy says. "I'd rather not." Law says as he sits down taking out his phone while scrolling on some site. 

Luffy slightly pouts at what Law is doing. He wants to talk to him not ignore him. So he slowly starts getting close to him. Sitting down next him. Almost getting on top of him. Catching Law by surprise he asks Luffy what is it that he's doing. And the next second Luffy... Snatches his phone! 

Luffy quickly run to the other side of the room. "What are you doing! Give me my phone back." Law says a bit mad. "Mhhh only if you play with me-"


"Why not???"

"Why yes."

"But Traffyyy~ Please~" Luffy says in almost a moaning tone. "W-what are you doing. I already said no.." Law says blushing faintly. "Nami always sounds like this whenever she's trying to convince someone on something so why can't I." Luffy says confused. "Fine I'll play just don't do that again." Law says not wanting to get caught by surprise again.

Not proof read

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