Leave me alone. (3)

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Third pov:

"As you all know, this is the first day of school. And so I've prepared a few activities for the course of the week. Mostly for you guys to get familiar with the people in this class. Any questions?" The teacher asks. "So what are we gonna be doing?" A students asks. 

"Great question, I was just about to explain that. So for the entire week you're gonna be doing some simple puzzles with the person next to you. But you can also work in teams to familiarize better. Any other questions?"

The class stays silent. As much as Law and a few other students oppose to this, there really isn't much for them to do. Law isn't good at socializing with new people you could say he even hates it. And the fact that the goofiest person in class is sitting right next to him, doesn't help either. "Hey tall guy-"

"Stop calling me tall guy. And please go and bother someone else." Law already irritated with the boys' voice looks the other way. "Then what do I call you!" Luffy asks even though it sounds more like a demand than rather a question. "You don't need to know my name. Just stop bothering me."

"Then tall guy it is!" Luffy says while pouting. Law sighs before mumbling something. "Trafalgar Law." 

Surprisingly Luffy hears Law and begins to try and pronounce his name. "Tref- Trag- Troll- traf... Traffy!" Luffy says smiling. "You've got to be kidding me. It's not traffy! It's tra-fal-gar. Get it right!"

"Whateverrrr Traffy is so much more easier!" Luffy whines. "Oh yeah I was gonna ask if we could be partners!-"


"Then who are you gonna be with? Cuz it mostly seems like you have no other friends in this class." Luffy says bluntly. Not really thinking about his word choice. Law nearly chokes from embarrassment. "And how do you know that!? You can't just assume y'know..." Law says while blushing a bit for getting called out so easily. "Well first of all-"

"You know what we can be partners whatever, but don't annoy me or else." 

"or else what?" Luffy says curiously. "Never mind, you're really dense dude. What are you? A freshmen?" Law asks.

 "I am NOT dense and I am also NOT a freshman! I'm a junior! Aren't you supposed to be smart or something? Since you're pretty much the only person who's gotten here with just grades nishishi!" Luffy says changing the subject a bit. "How could I tell that you were a junior when you literally act like a 1st grader."

"Shut up Traffy!"

"Don't call me Traffy- and also how did you know that I got in this school only by my grades?"

"Easy! The staff all over the school was talking about some senior named uh- tro..llfeg..er law. And that's you right?"

Law sighing just nods. "How cool! You must be really smart then." Luffy says smiling. "Guess so."



As the bell rings Law starts to pack up his things. Almost near the exit he get's called by the teacher. Luffy notices this and waves goodbye to Law. Law only eyeing him. Leaving Luffy hanging. He looks back to the teacher. 

"It'll only be a minute but I'll give you a pass just incase so don't worry. But what I really wanted to talk to you about was how I have high expectations for you. Not anyone get's into this school because of there excellent grades so you should feel privileged." The teacher says. Law not really knowing what to say just nods.

"I know it's only been a day but I wanted to give you a few options for clubs that we have concerning people with high gpa's like yours. So would you like to hear me out?" 

As much as Law's dad Corazon, would want him to participate in after school activity's this was a big no for Law himself. He'd obviously just make an excuse on why he can't go. "Of course there are gonna be other clubs that you could be in if you aren't interested with those. But I mostly called you for the the club I just mentioned." The teacher adds on. 

"Sorry Mrs. Hina, but I'm mostly busy after school so unfortunately I wouldn't have the time for an after school activity. Hope you can understand." Law says creating a false story. "I see, well sorry for wasting your time. Oh and here's the pass so you don't get marked tardy. Have a nice rest of the day." Mrs. Hina says.

At least she knows that it was a waste of my time Law thinks. He sighs as he grabs the pass and his bookbag from the chair. "You too."


"Hey Law I got a call from your school. It talks about some clubs that you might be interested in. You're always stuck at home without doing anything how about going out more? You never know you might hook up with someone." Corazon says heavily grinning. "Uh, no I'm good..." Law says a bit scared of the idea. Taking time out of his precious hours? And having to socialize more? Hell no. What type of torture is that. "I didn't ask if you fine. Y'know what let's make a deal." Corazon says.

"The deal you'll talk about will probably suck ass. But go on."

"No cursing whatsoever Law! But *ahem* I was thinking... for your 18 birthday you were planning on buying a car, yes? Well... I'll pay half of it if you decide to get into any of the clubs. Sounds fair right?"

Law almost gasping thinks real hard about the deal. He'll only have agree on the terms for this school year... And for him to help Law pay half of the car is a far too great offer that he can't just pass off. "Fine I'll do it." Law says in a low tone. "And just incase they didn't tell you, clubs start next week. So I hope you register by then."

"Woah why so early? Normally they start a month or two after school starts."

"This is a new school we're talking about. Of course it's gonna be different from your last ones. Now tell me did anything interesting happen today? Aside from the kid who ruined the only chance I had to take a picture of you.." Corazon says almost crying.

"I guess, Well first of all my friend group from my previous school were able to get into the same school as me-"

"Wait what? How? I'm not trying to be rude but your friends aren't rich nor smart.."

Law laughs at his dad. "Actually they threatened the principle to get in. I don't know how they got in but they did it." Law says unbothered.

"I knew they were trouble.. But I can't do anything to make you stop being friends with them.." Corazon says sulking. "You're right." Law says.

Corazon sighs. "Anything else interesting?"

Obviously there was something else. But he didn't know whether to tell his dad or not. 

"..I guess I did leave something out." Law says. He then continues to tell the story about how met such a weird boy from his school. The same one who bumped into him early in the morning. He doesn't have an opinion about the boy yet. He doesn't know whether to trust him or not.

 He hast hadn't had a full and friendly conversation with anyone in years that aren't his same old friends or dad. It felt oddly nice. 

Obviously he didn't say that to Corazon of course, but maybe, just maybe, they could become friends. But to Corazon it seemed too much. Knowing how he'll probably stop talking to him after a few weeks. But who knows?

Only time can tell.

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