Strange feeling in the gut (4)

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It's been a week from Law's first arrival at New world high. He still has mixed feeling about his opinion on the school. But one things for sure. He's gotten a bit more talkative. And even his friends have noticed. But now the question is why...


Law wakes up to the sound of his alarm. Dreading ever waking up. Law groans as his hands begin to rub all over his forehead. He yawns a couple of times before getting up. Then a headache begins to form. He does his usual stuffy before finally getting ready to leave. "Hey wait Law! You haven't eaten breakfast! I'll take you to school once you eat what I prepared for you."

"And does that include burnt eggs?"

"Of course it doesn't- AHHHH" Corazon screams forgetting to turn off the stove. Law chuckles as he takes a seat. "It's fine I can eat it like that. Thanks dad." Law says. "Are you sure? I mean I'm not gonna force you."

"It's fine. Also turn off the stove before you forget again." Law says. As Corazon turns the stove off he sets a plate for Law. "Want any juice?" 

"Sure why not."

As Corazon pours him a glass of apple juice he asks him a question. "So did you figure out on what type of club you wanna be in?"

Law had completely forgotten about the deal he had with Corazon regarding the clubs. Law just lied his way through this one. "Yeah."

"So which one did you pick?" Corazon says as he puts the juice on Law's table. To which Law takes a sip off. "I'll tell you on Monday it's nothing you should worry about." Law says calmly. Corazon doesn't buy it but lets him off the hook. 


As Corazon drops Law off, Law notices Luffy hanging out with a group of people. He seems pretty popular huh Law thinks. 

Law wanting a peaceful morning he tries to hide himself. Normally he doesn't see Luffy's friend group at all since they come late to school almost all the time. And Law doesn't have any classes with them. But he knows one thing for certain. He knows just how troublesome they can get. It's been only a week and it feels like they've committed crimes in the school. Just please don't notice me Law thinks.  He walks at a faster rate hoping to pass by them. Until..

"Traffy! Is that you?!" Luffy screams. Oh c'mon if you're gonna call me at least don't yell to the point were the whole world hears you Law says already annoyed. Strangely not in a bad way.

"No you must be mistaken-"

"what! But I really thought you were Traffy! Well sorry for the trouble."

"Obviously It's me dumbass!" Law yells. "I knew it!" Luffy says grinning. Law just sighs. Knowing how he won't be able to escape this one. "So..." Luffy begins to speak. "How have you been-"


"Just how many times Luffy?!" Nami yells. 


"Is there a moment where you aren't punching me!!" Luffy whines. "Only when you aren't acting stupid which never." Nami says. "What!! Whatever.." Luffy says looking the other way. "I noticed you called someone Luffy." Robin all of a sudden speaking. "Why is that?" She adds on.

"Oh! You're talking about Traffy! Well he's my new friend of course!" Luffy says giggling. "I am not your friend!" Law yells. "So the guy can speak how superrrr!" Franky yells. Law with a confused face just ignores him. "Luffy... What did I say about trusting people so quick.. Especially thug lookin ones." Nami says as she puts her hand on her face with a disapproval face. 

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