After he was done eating, the two went to the beach to go fishing. Kakyoin and Jotaro were sitting side by side on beach chairs with fishing poles in front of them. They were quiet.

Jotaro had his eyes closed while relaxed. He inhaled the nice, salty cool air. He was feeling better by the second. Everything was beginning to feel much better.

Kakyoin stood up as he saw his fishing pole shake. He picked it up with excitement. He began reeling in the line.

Jotaro watched his friend with content. He enjoyed watching him.

When Kakyoin finally reeled it in, he cheered, "Yes!" He had a nice sized fish. "We are going to have a good meal!" He proudly showed the fish to Jotaro.

Jotaro smiled at his catch. He didn't say anything. He just smiled as he was happy for his friend.

Even if the morning and the day before was rocky, it was all fine now. He loved spending time with him. He didn't care what they were doing, he was content with anything.

The smile on Kakyoin's face was bright and confident. His hair was a bit frizzy from the moisture in the air. His red hair had bit of gray in it.

When did he begin to gray?

Oh well. It was becoming of him. At least, Jotaro wasn't the only one getting a bit of gray in his hair.

"Hello," Kakyoin called. "Come back to Earth!"

"Hm?" Jotaro mumbled.

"Where did your mind go?" Kakyoin chuckled with amusement.

Jotaro said, absentmindedly, "You have gray hair."

"Oh," Kakyoin replied surprised. Then his composure switched to shy. He said, "Yeah... I am getting older, and all this stress... You know."

"You still look great."

"Oh," he said. He averted his eyes and his attention turned to the fish in his hands. He threw it in the bucket. "You really think so?"

Jotaro nodded.

Kakyoin sat back down beside him after casting his line back out. He took a sip of his drink and sighed, "How did you get this attachment to me?"

Jotaro's stomach flipped nervously when he heard the question. He wasn't sure exactly how or when. He just knew that he wanted him more and more. He tried to organize the words and memories. "Um... It was after our trip to Egypt. You were the only person who understood everything. You were always nearby."

Kakyoin scoffed a laugh, "I mean, I had no choice. I was confined to a hospital bed for almost a year." He said with a shrug, "But you were willing to see me almost everyday, and I appreciated that, you know?"

"You told me that a thousand times, Nori."

"Wait," Kakyoin said. "What about your wife? You liked me before you got married?"

Jotaro shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I didn't think much about my feelings towards you. I found her, but it didn't work out as well as I thought it would. I thought after Jolyne was born, I would love her, but we just didn't... Click."


He continued, "My feelings towards you never waned."

They sat there in silence. After a while the two went inside after catching a few more fish. They were quiet during that time.

Soon the two were in the living room side by side watching yet another movie. They were quiet then, even Kakyoin.

Jotaro tried keeping his eyes on the movie, but even that was hard. Well, that wasn't the only thing that was hard. He could only curse his libido and him unintentionally skipping his medication the day before.

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