4 Something To Do

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It was a couple of days after Jotaro spent time with his daughter. He wasn't sure how to feel after that. Should he be happy that his daughter was willing to waste time on him? Was there a bigger meaning? Did Kakyoin drag her in to just get him to rest? Why did Kakyoin care so much? What was going on?

God, he was tired thinking about that.

"Mr. Kujo?"

Jotaro was snapped out of his thoughts as he looked up from his clipboard. One of the workers was talking to him, but he wasn't listening. "Repeat what you said."

His absentmindedness lasted throughout the day to the evening. He went through the sitting area to find his three flings once again. This time, another man was with them. Jotaro contemplated between someone new or someone he already had experience with. Maybe-


Jotaro inhaled sharply as Kakyoin arrived, more like appeared, from behind him.

"Want to go out this evening?"

Jotaro looked over at his friend by his side.

Kakyoin continued, "We can spend time, and catch up more together. It's been quite some time since we have."

Maybe... No, he's too good for you. Too close. "I have some plans already. Let's try another day."

Kakyoin said, "Okay. It was last minute. Well, I'll be around. I'll check with you later." He walked off.

When Kakyoin was sure to be gone, Jotaro looked over at the group. Now he had an idea, but he wasn't sure if he was even bold enough to go along with it. Maybe next time.

He walked over to the group. He looked over at one guy he hasn't slept with yet. Someone not close and had no attachment to. Just what he wanted.

"I need to ask you something," he said to the one man.

From the corner of Jotaro's eye, he sees one of the guys smirk at the man in question. Jotaro pulled down his hat to shadow his eyes. He added, "In private."

"Um, yes sir."

The two of them ended up in the man's room.

"Um, before we do anything," the man stumbled over his words. "I want you to know that I'm trans! Um, trans masc."

"Hm," Jotaro said. "Okay." He takes off his coat and neatly places it on the bedside table. "As long as I'm not doing anything you don't want to do, I'm fine. I rather not make you uncomfortable. Is there anything you don't like?" He walked over to the man who was about a few inches shorter than him.

The man was taken aback at Jotaro's aloofness. He sputtered, "Not really. Well..." He mentioned where he rather not be touched and certain words he preferred for body parts.

"Are you okay with kissing?" He placed his hand on his cheek to cup his face.


"You can take the lead if you like." His lips made contact with his.

"Sure," the man said against Jotaro's lips. He glanced up at his hat that he didn't take off. He reached up the starred hat. "What about your hat-?"

"Don't touch the hat."

He quickly moved his hand away as he felt the air shift when Star Platinum appeared for a second. Of course, he couldn't see Star Platinum.

The two continued exchanging what each other consented on. Soon the two were in bed. Jotaro was on his back. One hand squeeze the man's butt while the other rested on his shoulder. He held his legs opened with his knees up. A pillow sat under his hips. He moaned into the man's mouth as he plowed into him.

The man pulled up from the kiss and said winded, "Wow, I can't imagine that I would be screwing my boss."

Jotaro didn't understand what he said. He did recognize that he said something, but not over his own panting and moaning, pleasure and the bed creaking. He just stuck his tongue out a bit to reach for his mouth.

"Gotcha, gotcha," the man said. "The guys did say you liked a lot of affection. Especially kisses." He kissed his collarbone. His mouth lingered there for a while causing Jotaro to shudder. His hands brushed his erogenous zones. His lips reached his just as he thrusted deep into him.

Jotaro gasped as his eyes closed. His legs shook. His arms wrapped around the man's waist as he held him close. Soon as the orgasm washed away, he became aware of his surroundings just as the man's wet heat sat on his face.

The man sat on his face. The strap-on was discarded to the side, but he couldn't see that just as he went to work. He managed to get him to an orgasm swiftly.

After another round, Jotaro was sitting up while the other man was laying down facing him.

He said, "That was fun."

Jotaro responded with a grunt. He turned to the bedside table. He reached into his coat pocket to grab a box of cigarettes.

"Um, sorry, but you can't smoke in here." He added apologetically, "Asthma."

With a defeated sigh, Jotaro put the box back into his coat.


"There's no helping it," he reassured. He checked the time. It was barely 9 at night. There was no way he was going to be able to fall asleep yet. He sighed, "It's getting late." He was ready for a shower, because no matter how water-based the lube was, it still got everywhere on him. It was worse since it was mixed with sweat. He got up from the bed.

"Yes," he agreed.

He picked up his clothes from the floor and began dressing. Despite the clothes sticking to him, he dressed swiftly.

"Um," the man piped up. "I have a question."

Jotaro had just finished putting on his clothes. He faced the still clotheless man who was only covered waist down by the blanket. He waited for him to ask.

"Why do you do this? Do you get some thrill out of this or something? It's like everyone else just accepted... this." He gestured to himself then back to Jotaro. "I'm genuinely curious."

Jotaro stared at him from under the brim of his hat. He was trying to come up with an answer. He didn't want to give too much away, but he wouldn't give too much away if he didn't know the answer himself.

Did he know the answer?

"You know what," the man said. "It's really none of my business. You don't really have to answer." He gave a nervous chuckle.

Whether it looked like it or not, Jotaro was relieved. He wasn't sure how to answer him. He nodded a goodbye and left the bedroom. He went to the door leading to the hallway.

When he placed his hand on the doorknob, he recognized that his hand was shaking. He exhaled and tried to gather all of his control. He focused on his breathing until his hand stopped shaking. He opened the door and closed it. He took another breath as he looked down at his feet.

Jotaro turned from the door. Before he began walking, he heard something that made his blood run cold.

"Jojo?" Kakyoin called from behind him.

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