ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 74

Start from the beginning

Laughter tore from my throat before I could help it when he chuckled, throwing our bags down with a clash and backing me against the wall with a grasp on my hips, smiling so widely when our noses bumped I thought I could have fainted. Then, he was pressing his lips to mine with desire and passion, driving me to rake my fingers through his raven locks, tugging him closer to press our bodies together.

"Seriously?! Oh come on! We have lessons!" James' voice bellowed in the hallway when he turned around from the bang, the five of them exchanging peeved yet secretly entertained glances as the couple snogged in plain sight with no regard for anyone else around.

"Bloody moose" Sirius grumbled against my lips, reluctantly drawing away, leaving me panting as he called towards them exasperatedly, "Well go ahead we'll be there when we get there. Evans needs to answer her questions like the teacher's pet she is"

"Oh shut it Black" She hushed, grabbing Marlene's arm and continuing the path towards the dungeons, the others following shortly after, leaving Sirius and I alone in the completely empty hallway. He breathed out heavily when he turned back to me, his dreamy grey eyes obscuring my vision as he leans our foreheads together, whispering,

"So...what do you suppose you'll smell in—that— potion?"

I hummed in thought, closing my eyes when he tantalisingly brushed his lips over mine once, leaving a hunger craving for more as I whispered back quietly with warmth spreading on my cheeks,


He tilted his head back in surprise, expecting her to tease or joke about anyone but him. Yet, she managed to take him by surprise again, her sweet words filling his heart to the brim with undeniable love. Merlin, she's everything.

The sudden shyness that weighed down on my shoulders had me cursing myself internally. I couldn't help but be honest with him, especially not now when he's looking at me as though I've just stolen the stars from the sky for him. He's worth knocking down the steel walls I had built protectively around myself so I couldn't be hurt—- he's worth more.

Then it's been a couple of minutes of silence and I suddenly regret my words, snapping whilst averting my eyes away, "I thought you wanted a snog"

He brushes off the defensive comment, gently squeezing her hips as he lays the most adoring kiss to her lips he could muster up, murmuring against them,

"Good. Because i'll smell you too and it would be fairly embarrassing if you didn't"

"Sirius Black, embarrassed? How the mighty have fallen" I retorted mockingly, gaining my confidence once more as I flickered my eyes between his with a smile that made my cheeks ache.

"How they've fallen indeed..." He mutters, upturning his lips at the corners and losing himself in a trance for a few moments, before snapping out when he heard clicking of heels, causing the both of them to smirk, leaning in to connect their lips once more, snickering against them when they heard,

"Black! Grindelwald! What on earth do you think you're doing?!"

Sirius shot me a wink, swerving his head with a charming smile towards the Scottish witch, replying cleverly, "I'd like to think snogging is what i'm doing, Minnie, fancy a show?"

She glared sternly, planting her hands on her hips at us, a laugh escaping me compulsively, gliding my palms down to rest on his chest, as she stated,

"You're supposed to be in lessons, not fondling up, locking lips in the corridors!"

"Minnie, 'fondling up and locking lips' exerts the happy hormones. You want your two favourite students to be happy, don't you?" I inquired, Sirius gesturing towards me with a cocked head and happy grin, leaving the witch to sigh, letting her hands drop from her hips.

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