New Amsterdam should do the trick

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Carmin wiggled in his grasp, uncomfortable with his proximity. "Get the fuck off of me." She muttered quietly, shoving Lucien backwards with more force than he thought her capable of. He flew back two or three steps but caught himself, his jaw clenching.

God she was so fucking stubborn. He just needed her to stop looking at him like he would crush her skull between his two hands. She was saying all the right things, acting all the tough ways, but she was terrified. He could see it in her eyes. "Ms-"

Carmin turned around and walked away briskly, ignoring Dante's shout of her name. Lucien's eyes fell for moment but he quickly swung them from her retreating figure clad in blue jeans and a bralette, to his younger brother, worry dancing in the hazel. Dante shook his head, "She'll be okay."

Lucien sighed, turning towards the raging fire. He studied the flames for a moment, thinking their interaction over in his head.

"I don't understand why she won't listen to me."

Dante sent him a scathing look, "You held a gun to her head and threatened to shoot her." He stated heavily, "Some girls might like that Lucien but I don't think Carmin is one of them. She is scared."

Lucien again studied the fire with keen interest, "then why did she not react in the slightest when io impugnato saldamente le pistola against her head?" He questioned with such confusion, Dante could almost laugh if what his brother said wasn't so interesting.

"¿que?" Dante furrowed his brows, "No reaction?"

Lucien nodded, sighing when he saw three of his men coming to put out the fire, "Nothing." He turned around, tilting his head towards their car, "Not even a flinch."

Dante unlocked the vehicle, hopping in the drivers seat. He was deep in thought when Lucien was seated beside him with his door firmly shut, "I'd like your permission to investigate Ms. Grey."

The younger Fiore screwed up his face, "You think that's wise? If she came to know she'd be even more angry than you."

Lucien shrugged, "We are missing something. We know her name is Carmin Grey, she's a lawyer-"

"Devastatingly beautiful lawyer." Dante corrects, taking a left. The road in front of them was lit only by their headlights. It was early in the morning, the clock in the car read 2:47, and both brothers had an early flight to catch. The trial would be cancelled tomorrow, unfortunate casualties had to take place and people were payed off but family business needed to be taken care of in Italy.

"That is all we know about her. My background check came back clean but there is no record of her at all. She never went to school, she never went to church. She's a ghost until she won her first case. Is that not suspicious to you little brother?"

Dante sighed, "She could have been planted, yes. But Anthony would have caught that by now. Never-mind the obvious.." he sends his brother a pointed look, "she actively tries to get away from us the single moment her job is done."

"You do pay her an exceptional amount."

"Mother did say woman had a tendency to use me for my money." Dante snorts, "But Carmin only charged me her normal rate, I was shocked when I was going through my check book. Of course I'll sneak a bonus in tomorrow, when Anthony gives her the check, but I of course wasn't ready for that."

Lucien let's out a sigh, "That woman is giving me a headache." He glanced to the side of the road, eyes catching a flash of light in the trees. He swung his head backwards spotted a familiar figure. "Stop the car." He insisted and Dante didn't hesitate, "Silly girl." He muttered under his breath, unbuckling his seatbelt.

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