The wrath of the don

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Carmin lowered herself into the cafe chair, placing her plate in front of her. She could play this off as grabbing a snack but she knew it was only a matter of time before Dante's big brother came to threaten her. Being a defense attorney, she had plenty of clients who threatened her, many of clients whose friends threatened her.

When she saw the Bugatti pull onto the side of the cafe, quite literally on the sidewalk, she squared her shoulders and waited. She noticed from her peripheral that Lucien's friend stood outside of the car, staring at her. She hated the way his eyes made her feel. She blinked away a barely there memory that flashed in her mind when the front door opened quietly and harsh footfalls made their way towards Carmin.

"Ms. Grey?" It was a brisk acknowledgment that made Carmin shrivel up inside. She hated when people talked to her with anger. But she didn't react.

Carmin glanced up with a well calculated smile, "Mr. Fiore." She acknowledged before going back to eating her food. Her voice was light as a cloud, deeply contrasting the brooding mood the man in front of her table was exuding.

Lucien's jaw ticked and he glanced towards Rico, his head of security. Rico reached down towards his gun and rose a brow. Lucien shook his head, turning his attention back towards the girl, "I would like to talk to you about your client." He took a more gentle tone, feeling uncomfortable keeping up such a harsh voice when she was so calm.

Carmin didn't pay him any mind, and after swallowing her bite, she paused to talk, "Attorney client privilege." She muttered, shooting him a smile.

"Do you understand Omertà, Ms. Grey?"

Carmin smiled kindly at the man, "it's a concept I'm familiar with. I do also, understand when I'm being threatened Mr. Fiore." Lucien's brow twitched as he watched the brunette in front of him continue to eat her scone. She wasn't reacting how one normally would in his presence and it irked him.

"I'm not threatening you Ms. Grey..." he claimed, pulling out the chair in front of the lawyer. He unbuttoned his suit jacket as he lowered himself into the cold cafe chair. It looked tiny under his body and the muscles in his arms flexed when he leaned forward to lay them on his knees. He was unnecessarily close to Carmin, but the lack of boundaries didn't seem to deter her from eating in the slightest.

Carmin pierced her lips, her head shook as she smiled up at Lucien, "Well then you are being followed by a man with a gun Mr. Fiore, you should really be more aware of your surroundings." Her comment was short, brisk, and coated in annoyance.

Lucien stared at her for a second before leaning back in his chair, flashing his gun in the process before he moved his suit jacket black into place. He nodded to himself, "Alright. I am threatening you. Don't fuck up this case. You're job is to make this go away. You know this charge is bogus, they are after me. My brother did nothing wrong."

"He got caught with an unregistered gun and a vial of ketamine." She responded dryly.

Lucien grunted, "You're supposed to be the best." His voice was tight, eyes narrowed.

Carmin brushed her hands together to rid the crumbs and shrugged, "So are you." She shot back, "Omertà or not, Mr. Fiore, everyone knows you run Casa Moretti. It is just a matter of proving it. My job isn't to protect you, it's to win my clients case. I am under no obligation to protect you. And if throwing you in a cell gets my client out, I won't hesitate."

Lucien furrows his brows, "Ms. Grey, that decision will only get you killed." He spoke calmly, watching as Carmin placed her napkin on the empty plate.

The lawyer shrugged, "It's a pity, truly. You would think an individual so adamant on making sure I properly defend his brother wasn't planning to murder me if the way I chose to defend his brother could incriminate himself. This feel incredibly hypocritical Mr. Fiore. Do you want me to defend your brother or do you want me to not? Because if it comes to it, omertà will be broken." Again, Lucien's eye twitched as she flashed him a well calculated smile.

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