Who is Dante Fiore?

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The floor buzzed beneath Carmin's feet. Sweat trickled down the side of her head as she pushed her way through the dance floor. Her hazel eyes calculated the best route and she was careful to not trip in her heels. The club was crowded, and she wished she could judge people but she was sober as fuck and just spent two hours on the dance floor. She was the first on. She didn't hesitate. But she was dehydrated. And she had work tomorrow.

Carmin made it to the bar. Her red nails clicked against the counter as she waited for the bartender to finish the drink he was making, "What can I get you Ma'am?" He smiled. Blonde haired blue eyes, Carmin noted he would be just fine if Hitler was still in business. She dismissed the thought just as it came, a little annoyed by the ignorance of it.

"Just a water please. Bottled if possible."

He smiled at her again, all the teeth, and nodded. Carmin was thrown off by his energy. He was way to happy for 2 in the morning. But she smiled back and took the chilled bottle that he handed her. "Thank you." She murmured, twisting around to look for her 'friends'. Jenna had went home at 11, she was a school teacher and it was a Thursday night. Maddison was still on the dance floor and Penny was talking to some brunette in a booth.

Carmin wouldn't really count these girls as her friends. She met Jenna through Madison, and Madison through Penny. They were all younger then her. Penny used to be Hannah's, Carmin's younger sister's,  best friend, but Hannah was dead and Penny was clingy. At least that's how Carmin wanted to see it. In reality Carmin was just detached. It had been seven years since Hannah passed, she didn't understand why Penny still hung around. And it wasn't like Carmin put any effort in their relationship at all. Frankly, she never did like Penny. She was a bad influence.

And though Carmin wanted to blame Penny for Hannah's death, she knew it wasn't truly her fault. Maybe like 10%.

"I've never seen anyone look so bored at my club."

Carmin didn't glance up, "I'm sorry for you loss." She muttered, eyes meeting Penny's, Penny rose a eyebrow and Carmin nodded towards the door.

"Well you seemed to be having a good time earlier." His voice was deep, a hint of amusement weaved into his words.

Carmin rolled her eyes, "Excuse me." She dismissed him, eyes meeting his for just a moment, a carefully practiced smile resting on her lips. She noted silently to herself as she walked away, that the club owner was hot. In his own, I want everyone to be terrified of my existence, I have mommy issues and am enamored by a tattoo gun way. She stopped though and turned around when she processed his face.

Dante Fiore. Little brother of the alleged don of casa Moretti. "Mr. Fiore." She acknowledged.

He smiled at her, "I've never had a woman walk away from me before."

Carmin pierced her lips, "That's- definitely interesting." She studied his face, his attire. It was stupid for her to be talking to him but she did just have a case against them. She doubted he recognized her. But she did just put away one of their officers over a first degree murder charge.

"You're that lawyer." He muttered, studying her face. Carmin nodded. "You're good. No one's been able to stick to and win a case against us."

Carmin nods, "thank you." She smiled at him again, the same fake one she gave to everyone and his eye twitched.

"Do you have a card?" He questioned.

She tilted her head to the side in confusion, "yes." She answered, tapping her purse.

"May I have one. I'd much rather have you on my side then against."

Carmin stared at him for a moment, blinking with her mouth slightly open trying to find an excuse to avoid giving him her information. Whether it was proved or not, he was part of Casa Moretti, a literal mafia, and Carmin didn't necessarily feel like being any part of that outside of work. Outside of going against them. The last thing she wanted was to be a defense attorney for the mafia. "I'm actually almost out."

Dante shrugged, "That's alright, I can take a picture."

Carmin bit her lip, "I- I'm unsure I'm comfortable with giving you that information." She admitted, holding her purse tighter to her body.

Dante narrowed his eyes before bursting out in laughter, "Oh my god!" He chuckled out, "Jesus you look like a frightened piccolo uccello." He snorted.

Carmin tilted her head again, her face drawing up in distaste, "Did you just call me a little dick?" She muttered, eyebrows furrowing.

Dante started laughing again, "No no no." He patted his chest and cleared his throat, "Little bird." He translated, eyes filled with mirth.

Carmin bit her lip but nodded, "Right. Well I'm going to head out.." she pointing her thumb towards the door. Conversing with Dante Fiore was not on her to do list for the night, and definitely the last thing she wanted to do after such a high profile case.

Dante placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her before she could turn to leave, "Your card?" He persisted, a gentle smile never leaving his lips.

Carmin studied his face, terrified by the idea of him being able to contact her. But she was logical enough to know he could track her down if he really felt like it. She also knew that if they planned to kill her, she'd be dead already. So she clicked open her purse and pulled out her lime green business card and slipped out from under his arm well handing him it.

He studied the gold font and looked towards where Carmin had stood moments before, "Lovely to meet you Ms. Grey." He murmured as he watched her walk away. No goodbye, no further conversation. He didn't glance away from her until she exited the club and the door shut behind her.

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