first day of classes

Start from the beginning

I meet harry when we were both preforming in the same theatre company, and we were friends for years before it turned into something more. We ended up dating for two years before I broke it off, I wanted to discover who I was on my own terms. For years I was really sick, but music was what pulled me through. And then my friendship with harry was a breath of fresh air, that somewhere along the line ended in a relationship. He was my first everything, first kiss, first love and I gave him my virginity. He was my best friend, but I couldn't keep the relationship and have it as a crutch here in New York. I need to do this on my own and on my own terms. He didn't get that though, and I know he will try something with me.

Another boy comes and sit down towards us, and I would know that voice anywhere «hi man, saved you a seat» Joe says, and we rise up so harry can walk to the seat beside tom. He hasn't spotted me yet, but I know it's only a matter of seconds before he does.

«Harry, this is Selena and Taylor. Selena and Taylor, this is harry» Joe introduce us, and I stiffen before Selena shakes his hand.

«Taylor» harry says and I bite my lip «harry» I say back and meet his eyes for the first time.

«You two know each other?» Tom says and I nod «You could say that. We were in the same theatre company» I say and don't add the part where we twisted in bedsheets. I don't want to be defined by my past relationship, but they will obviously figure it out sooner or later.

Thankfully we can't say anything more because the class starts, and I'm saved from talking with harry.

I'm one of those people that takes extensive notes during class, I want to be able to remember what I need to remember. The last thing I would want is to forget some important information. Sure I could look stuff up, but I like taking points on the teacher's explanation of the thing we are talking about. It gives a better picture of what I need to know.

«Welcome to Juilliard, school of preforming arts in New York City» the teacher starts. «You come from all our branches of studies, but you will have some classes together over the four years you will spend at this school. This class is an introduction to all things Juilliard, and a way for you to network with your peers. The people in this room are just like you, they are hungry to learn from the best, and this school has the best teachers» he goes on and tell us about a brief overview over the years we spend here and what the different branches of studies are.

The students here come from all over the world because we are hungry to learn from the best, just like he said. And we will end up all over the world after we finish here too. Some will join dance companies, theatre productions, movies and tv shows, orchestras, independent artists and so much more. The options are endless after a degree here and being here gives you connections to help you along the way. Networking with staff and traveling lecturers is really important to take full advantage of our time here. I'm determined to use these four years to the best of my ability.

After class harry tries to stop me, but I drag Selena with me quickly as we exit the lecture hall and head in a random direction. «What's going on?»

«Harry is my ex-boyfriend. My ex who is determined to get me back. And I don't have the energy to face him right now» I groan.

«When did it end?» She asks as we find a place to stand. «After graduation. I knew he would be coming here too though. We dated for two years but have been friends for years before that» when we broke up, I lost something I miss, our friendship. He was always there for me, especially during the hard times in my life, but I couldn't stay with him out of obligation for all the times he was there for me. That wasn't fair to either one of us. I needed to move on and do something for myself, and I couldn't include him in that. I will always have love for him, and I'm still nostalgic when I think about what we had together, but I can't go back.

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