Chapter One

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          It was a gloomy day in Musutafu. Katsuki stood at the edge of the garden Izuku had once planted. He looked around in silence, then looked down at the small leaves sprouting out of the soil. A gust of wind blew Katsuki's hair in his face which took his attention back to reality.

          Katsuki entered the small house that he had shared with Izuku before the incident. The floor slightly creaked as he made his way to the kitchen sink. He turned on the faucet and rinsed his face, in hopes it'd fix everything. He lifted his head and let out a dissatisfied sigh.

          Katsuki grabbed a cup, filled it up with water, and drank if as if it was liquid gold. He finished and had slammed the cup against the counter. A knock shook the door, startling him.

          Katsuki closed his eyes tight, maybe attempting to delete the fact that someone was at the door. He opened his eyes and walked toward the door. He peered through the glass, it was Ochako. He opened the door to see her standing there with an almost pitiful look on her face. He gestured for her to come in. She slid off her shoes and sat down on the couch.

          Katsuki refilled his cup, and proceeded to fill one for Ochako as well. They sat across from each other with a rather disconsolate mood. No words were shared between them as they sat in an oddly comfortable silence. Suddenly, tears fell down Ochakos face. Katsuki spoke, his voice quavering "i know." He slid his face into his hands and quietly sobbed.

          Days like this were frequent for Katsuki, crying in silence. Some days alone, sometimes others would accompany him. It was mostly Shoto, Toshinori, or Ochako, and occasionally a few others. Either way, the pain was painful, unbearable even.

          After a few hours of tears and conversation between Katsuki and Ochako had passed, then she left. Katsuki sat, head down at the floor. He scratched his head and let out a tired sigh. Katsuki kept to his now usual routine, putting on his coat, and walking to the forest where Izuku and him had spent what felt like a lifetime there.

He walked alone, staring at the green of nature with only one thing on his mind. The day was starting to drift away as Katsuki head toward the river. He sat at the edge of the river every night. He spoke to the universe like it was his one true love, like it was him, like it was Izuku. He liked to imagine Izuku was listening to him, smiling softly. Sometimes Katsuki swore he could feel his presence.

Katsuki gazed into the moonlit water, stared at his rippling reflection. Then suddenly, what felt as fast as a blink, he saw Izuku looking back at him through the reflection. Katsuki blinked again in shock, but there was nothing but himself staring back. He quickly backed up, contemplating if he had imagined that. He shortly decided it was just his imagination. The night was beginning to chill, so he headed back home.

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