I could see that Pavel looked a little panicked, but I could also see that Ibrahim was trying to conceal the smirk on his face.

"You are so my child," Ibrahim said with a shake of his head, "Next stop. But, there are rules to it!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know. No porn and no plotting a way to escape your deemed protection," I smirked.


Having a cell phone again was nice. Hearing Dimitri's voice was better. I don't know how Ibrahim got it, but when I heard him pick up on the other side, I could have wept.

I felt a lot of anxiety leave once I heard Dimitri's voice. It took a few tries, but I was able to get a video chat up. He looked exhausted but he managed a smile for me. I was all too excited to see him and showed him the things I bought for our girl. He laughed with tears in his eyes looking at the onesie I bought, and he said that he caved and bought something when he was out with Lissa the other day.

It piqued my interest and I raised my brows at him. He set his phone down and I could hear him rummaging around before coming back, holding a fuzzy bear suit that wasn't a bear, but Stitch.

"No!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"I couldn't pass it up, I saw it and knew you would want it," Dimitri said. I bit my lip excitedly and clasped my hands together. I laid down and tucked my arm under my head.

"I miss you," I said quietly.

Dimitri sighed and matched my position. "I miss you, Roza," he whispered. I nodded and pressed my lips together, trying to keep my emotions together. I felt like I could burst into tears at any moment, and I didn't want to do that in front of Dimitri.

"Oh, Roza. Don't cry," Dimitri soothed. I nodded and rubbed at my face, sniffing to myself.

"Did my mom explain to you why Abe won't let me leave?" I asked.

"Abe?" Dimitri asked with a raised brow, "You aren't calling him 'the snake' anymore?"

I shrugged. "After spending the last few days with him, I know that he is only acting the way a father would. He's worried. I guess maybe extending an olive branch may work in my favour. Calling him Abe is also easier than his full name."

Dimitri nodded. "I can see that," he said after a moment.

"I'm hoping that maybe it means he'll let me see you," I added with a small smile. Dimitri smiled too but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Me too," Dimitri whispered. I could see that he himself was trying to keep his emotions in check. I couldn't blame him for being upset either. He was initially terrified when I went 'missing' and now he isn't able to see me or be near me. Not to mention, it wasn't just me he was away from.

"It's okay to be upset, comrade."

Dimitri nodded and his composure broke a little, his emotions showing clearly on his face. I shifted around on the bed and pulled up my shirt, running my hand soothingly over my skin.

"Want to see something kind of cool?"

Dimitri nodded and I angled the phone so it was towards my stomach. I wasn't sure if it was normal for my body to do this yet, but at this point, anything was possible. I tickled my fingers over my stomach where I could feel her moving and poking. I had learned that putting pressure on certain spots would make her push back.

I pressed down near my belly button and watched the skin move on its own when I pulled my fingers back. I could hear Dimitri's watery laugh on his side of the phone and I chuckled, pressing on another spot to make her do it again.

Snakes In The GrassМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя