The kyoto trip

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Issei : well when I was like 7 or 8 this is before my parents died they took me to kyoto for about 2 months on a trip where I meet kunou and we're pretty close I also meet yasuka but I didn't know of the supernatural but I built a friendship with her as well

Ophis: well we all know the next people to join the harem

Issei : don't say that I haven't seen them Iike 11/12 years I don't know what there up to

Kuroka: issei your the phantom dragon it's gonna happen somehow and anyways I dub you a phantom thieve now

Issei : issei the phantom thieve I like it has a nice ring to issei

Kuroka : well your always be my phantom thieve

Serafall: as you are mine

Grayfia : we're all in agreement then issei is out phantom thieve

Everyone: yea

Issei : ha ha yea

Time skip

The day of the trip arrived with issei and irina meeting up with the rest of the students and saying goodbye to his wives with all the females and males looking on in jealousy

Scene change

Azazel : it's the first time I've gotten to see ya how ya been kid

Issei : yea dad I've been great

issei : oh shit sorry

Azazel runs up and embraces issei in a tight hug

Azazel : good to have you back son

Issei : looks like I have 2 dads now

Irina: who's the over person

Issei : you remember zeoticus and venelana right

Irina : yea I do omg no way

Azazel who's let's go of issei by this points comments: zeoticus how's the old guy doing

Issei : he's been alright

Azazel: glad to hear that but him as a second father that's just like him

issei: yea guess your right

Azazel : well we should be getting into to kyoto soon

Issei : I'll let you knows what happened so far since I last saw you

Issei tells azazel everything from the vacation to becoming a dragon god to getting married in dragon if terms

Azazel : dam that's quite the adventure you've had this year and half

Murayama: issei I finally found you

Issei : hey babe

Murayama : sorry I've been gone since your birthday I've just been dealing with some family matters and trying to sort things out

Issei : it's cool babe and now that your here I wanted to ask you something

Murayama: what is it

Issei : will you become one of my pieces

Murayama : sure babe

Issei : sweet oh and before I forget I should tell you this is going to make you a dragon like me

Murayama : issei me you another room now

Issei : have I done something wrong

Murayama: no I just wanna be a dragon I've always dreamed of being one

Issei : sorry but it'll have to wait till later

Azazel : why not just the yamato and teleport to the hotel

Issei : cause wouldn't that be a little to suspicious that I got on the train and then I'm at the hotel

Azazel : we're can erase there memory's it'll be fine

Issei : nah but thx dad and anyway I'm enjoying the view

Time skip

They arrived at Kyoto with everyone getting off the train and immediately going to the hotel once on there rooms issei used his knight piece to turn murayama into a dragon

Mura : so I'm a dragon now yay suck katase

Issei : well we still need to train you to unlock your dragon form

Mura : oh :(

Issei : don't be sad your basically already heavenly dragon tier you just need a bit of training and you'll be fine

Knock knock

Issei : come in

Azazel : just thought I'd tell you your free to go out and explore for a few hours just don't be late back

Issei : sorry babe but I've got an old friend to go see so I'll see ya later

Mura : ise wait

Issei was already out the door mura was of course confused but azazel filled her in about isseis and kunou past

Mura: so he growing the harem again

Azazel : I'd be surprised if those didn't become his lovers

Issei who had rushed out the door camouflaged himself and started flying to where he thought kunou was still living he touched down by an old shrine he could never forget

??? : you what are doing here

Issei : I'm here to see an old friend

???: I recognize that voice is that you issei

Issei : kunou

Kunou: omg it is you

She tackled him to the ground pinning him but issei didn't reject it

Kunou : it's been so many years

Issei : yea it has and look at you your just like I remember

Kunou: but you look different

Issei : well that's a long story

???: and that's one I'd like to know

Issei : well if it isn't yusaka

Yusaka : welcome back old friend

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