[1] Wait, I am Hashirama Senju?

Start from the beginning

He had a hard time accepting all that, truth be told. Because while he had accepted his status of reincarnation, it was weird how two Naruto characters existed in the world of One Piece.

Yes, two, because he wasn't the only Senju.

The girl who saved him from the fire— his alleged older sister, was called Tsunade Senju and even had an appearance similar to the name. She was 19 years old now and claimed to be his only living family in this entire world.

Now, he wasn't doubting her words— neither would he be mad if she did lie. Because she had taken very good care of him for him to feel anything negative for the girl, she was just too lovely for that.

He didn't yet know the full story behind the fire on his birth though— but from the bits she told him, and from his own memory, he managed to stitch things down somewhat. He was born on a ship, which was attacked by another ship, and Tsunade had grabbed him and taken a small boat out to the nearest island, however, the enemies had noticed it and shot some sorts of fire explosives on the island, causing the forest that existed within the island to catch on fire.

Truthfully, he would have died that night. If not for the very lucky incident of that coconut dropping on Tsunade's head from one of the burning trees. She had eaten the fruit upon realising it was one of the legendary Devil Fruits, and that's how they survived through the fire.

The devil fruit was the Elemental-Elemental fruit, which gave Tsunade the ability to create and control four elemental powers, namely— Earth, Ice, Air, and Fire. Though obviously, they were on a pretty basic level or else she would have been too OP for this world by now.

And as for himself, despite his grandeur name he had yet to find anything interesting about himself. Except perhaps the existence of Chakra inside him, which he only realised was there because he had nothing to do as a baby and figured it won't hurt to try and sense chakra— after all, it may as well exist since the Senju people did.

Later he found out he really did have Chakra, and when he told his sister about the feeling of this energy-thingy inside his body, she only seemed pleasantly surprised— as if she had expected it. Though she refused to elaborate on what was up with that.

"She's late," Hashirama mumbled as he looked out of the window, the forest outside looking back at him. "Again."

This place he was staying at wasn't the island that was on fire, of course. Back then, with her newfound powers, Tsunade had fled from there by freezing the sea on a straight line to create a road for her, through which she skated to a nearby island.

He was grateful for that, and he loved her a lot, but there was one thing he heavily disliked about her. Her overprotective behaviour, and when he said 'over' he was talking about beyond anything that could be considered healthy. He hadn't stepped out of this forest yet, in the three years of his life. Heck, he hadn't stepped out of this house more than a few days, as she liked to say the forest had many deadly and unknown animals that might harm him. Sure, she was right, but why not just move from the forest then?

At that moment, he watched a sweaty, blonde girl with explosive curves run towards him from the far. The girl, his sister, noticed him peeking and waved a hand with a huge smile.

"Shira! Sorry, today was busy at the hospital!" the blonde girl yelled as she came closer. "But I bought you good food!"

Hashirama sighed and shook his head in defeat. He couldn't even feel annoyed at her for leaving him once he saw her sweaty form. She worked so hard just for him...

Really, this was a strange feeling.

* * *

It's been five years since then, and he was eight years old now. He had a bit more freedom than before, but he had yet to visit outside the forest.

In One Piece, as Hashirama SenjuWhere stories live. Discover now