he's pretty.

wait, no

"uh, lip, napkins?" fiona turned to lip, pointing towards the kitchen. lip nodded, walking to the kitchen to retrieve them.

"you guys can sit down." fiona turned to tell valerie and sebastian. the two looked at each other and shrugged. val took the spot at the end of the couch, sebastian choosing to sitting in front of her on the floor.

valerie moved her legs so he could sit in front of her, leaving forward and resting her chin on his head. "only ketchup?" ian asked while holding up a burger, debbie responding with a 'me'.

"extra onions, jalapeños." ian said after handing the kid her burger. a women came walking through the from door

"me!" she exclaimed, her hand raised.

"pickles and ketchup." he continued after handing the woman her burger.

"that would be seb." valerie said, pointing down at sebastian who raised his hand, catching ian's attention. he didn't even realize sebastian was there.

if ian gallagher was honest — even if he didn't want to admit it —  he had a crush on sebastian henry. he knew it wasn't a good idea to like him, considering what everyone already knew about him, but he couldn't help it. sebastian had this thing that was so desirable about him, but no one actually knew what it was.

ian gulped, chewing the inside of his cheek before handing sebastian his burger. "thanks." sebastian smiled at ian who gave an awkward smile back before going back to giving everyone else their food.

"make room." the woman who walked in said, climbing over the back of the couch, sitting on the other side of the couch, by fiona.

"who's this." she wondered aloud, pointing to karen and sebastian.

a lot of introductions going around i guess.

"i'm sebastian henry." he smiled at the woman.

"hi sebastian, cool eyes, i'm veronica." she said, making sebastian and valerie laugh.

"this is karen." lip introduced the blonde, walking back into the living room.

"hey karen, nice top, what size are you?" she asked before quickly getting shushed by fiona. the man who had previously walked in with ian, stood behind fiona — seeing as there was no room left on the couch.

the group was watching something about fishing, ian occasionally glanced over at sebastian, who had his head leaned back against valerie's knee, her hands messing with his dirty blonde hair.

are sebastian and val dating?

eventually the sound of the door opening caught the group's attention, everyone turning to see frank gallagher walk in, his face covered in blood. sebastian's eyebrows furrowed, he didn't know who the man was, but assumed he was the deadbeat dad. 

"you okay frank?" steve asked, noticing his face and shirt covered in blood — trailing from his nose. frank took no notice to the question, continuing to walk to the kitchen

obviously not okay.

"hey, is that my shirt?" ian walked over to his dad, who turned around to look at his son.

"yeah." frank walked closer his son, almost threatening, causing ian to back up.

"uh, i'm just asking." ian defended. sebastian's eyes widened as frank smashed his head against ian's.

"oh my god." sebastian felt mad. he didn't know why nor did he have much reason to, considering he didn't even really know ian. but a dad who just does that to their son?

APOCALYPSE  ⇢ IAN GALLAGHER (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now