Chapter 6

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Welcome to chapter 6 thank you so much for all the read son this story!

Start of recap...

The Elf picked her up and tucked her in under the covers, he brushed her hair from her forehead and smile on his lips as he pulled his hand away Tilda whispered something in her sleep.

"Night Papa" she whispers Thranduil heard with a gasp he quickly left the room and closed the doors. He was still smiling and realised he didnt care the King continues on his way to thebthrone room with a smile on his kingly face.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

When Tilda woke up the first thing she noticed was she was sleeping in a large bed, much larger than her Da's bed and she definitely didn't remember crawling in with him. Which she does when she dreams of Laketown and Smaug destroying it all over again but Tauriel and legolas did not come to help them escape.

As she starred at the ceiling a town in flames appeared in her mind, the young girl leaped from the warm covers of the bed (fit for the height of an Elf) and stood up she spots a window above the bed and grabs a hold of the windowsill and pulls herself up.

She saw over the mirkwood and saw Laketown of in the distance not on fire and still there. Tilda breathed a sigh of relief before the doors opened and a voice startled her.

"Dilthen er!  Be careful!" Exclaimed the voice it was King Thranduil dressed in his normal robes with his tiara on his long platinum blonde hair emaculate as always, he had opened the doors to wake up Tilda only to see the young girl had climbed onto the window and was looking out of it.

Tildas eyes widened as her hands lost cramped up and she started falling, she closed her eyes but was then caught by long arms and pulled into a warm chest.

The sudde  fall scared the girl as she curled in more in the arms that caught her, Thranduils voice muttered comforting words into the girls eyes helping her relax before he set her on the bed and knelt in front of the girl.

She looks into his eyes tears threatening to fall and he smiled and brushed them away with his finger. "Don't cry Dilthen er you are safe" he said as the girl stopped shaking.

"Thank you for catching me" she whispers to him making the King smile in response. He then stood back up and Tildas head followed him as he moved about the room and went over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a beautiful dress her size.

(Thranduil may have prepared several bedrooms in his castles for the Bowman family show they ever come to visit Mrikwood)

Tilda gasped at the dress in his hand, Thranduil bought it over to Tilda and set it down on the bed. "Oh Wow" she whispers touching the sofa dress "so beautiful" she mumbled

"How about you have a bath and get changed for the day ahead" suggested the King and Tilda looked away from the dress before remembering she was in her Night clothes.

"O-oh yes your majesty" she said before Thranduil led the girl to a large bathroom that was connected to her room.

She gasps at hie huge the bath tub is, Thranduil took of his cloak and set it down before turning on the water and letting the bath foll up once either was filled he stood up.

"I will leave you now Dilthen er, should you need me call I will be outside your room" he said before bowing and closing the door behind him. Tilda stood frozen in place as she looked around the bathroom.

"WHAT!" She exclaimed her voice echoing throughout the large room the 10 year old then walked over to the large tub and began getting undressed and slipped into the warm water.

She then spent the next 10 minutes scrubbing her skin raw trying to get off all the blood and grime from her run in with the giant spiders the day before.

She then washed her hair she scent reminded her of Thranduils hair, she smiled happy to smell like the King.

When she was done Todla grabbed a towel large enough to be a blanket and wrapped herself with it. She dried herself quickly before draining the bath and walking into the bedroom again.

She saw the beautiful dress and was excited to put it on she let the towel drop before getting dressed she then looked in the large mirror at the desk and saw hoe beautiful the dress was on her.

She saw the beautiful dress and was excited to put it on she let the towel drop before getting dressed she then looked in the large mirror at the desk and saw hoe beautiful the dress was on her

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She giggled and twirled around infront if the mirror as she did thisbdhe didn't hear a knock on the door or it opening. Thranduil smiled from the door and watched as the young girl giggled and twirled around infront of the mirror.

He watched her forbade couple minutes before Tilda saw him standing there and blushed bright red in embarrassment at bring caught. "You look very beautiful princess Tilda" said the King walking over and kissing her hand making the girl laugh

"Thank you my king you too are looking handsome as ever" the two smiled at each other before Thranduil sat Tilda in front of the mirror and grabbed a comb.

Tilda looked at him confused. "I believe you wanted me to do your hair am I right"he explained making the child remember why she came.

Thranduil set to work on the young girls hair.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this longer chapter.

Lots of Thranduil and Tilda bonding in this chapter, I hope Thranduil doesn't seem to OC sorry if he is.

Word count: 979

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