Chapter 5

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Welcome to chapter 5 I'm surprised with how many reads this is getting so thank you.

Start of recap...

"i was wondering if-can you do my hair like yours?" she yelled bowing deeply to the kingmaking his eyes widened in shock, a little girl with two siblings and a single Dad asked if he could do her hair for her instead, he was blessed, it had been hundreds of years since he last did someone else's hair and not his.

so after a moment he gave her his answer. "of couse Dilthen er i dont see why not" he said giving the girl a dazzling smile, making the girl gasp and hug his waist tightly (as he was still kneeling on the floor) this surprised Thranduil buy the elf returned it. Tilda buried her head into his chest muttering her thanks over and over again.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

When the little girl finally let the Elven King go she grinned at him then curtsied before runLegolas over to Legolas and jumping into his arms making the blond Elf loose balance but didn't fall over as he was an Elf

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When the little girl finally let the Elven King go she grinned at him then curtsied before runLegolas over to Legolas and jumping into his arms making the blond Elf loose balance but didn't fall over as he was an Elf.

"Shall we show the little princess to her room Adar" says the Prince a grin on his lips as the little girl held o to his neck smiling at the King with Tauriel standing next to them looking more relaxed than before with her family.

Thranduil stood up and took of his crown one of the guards came over with his tiara, the blonde Elf handed the guard his crown and put on his Tiara, he made sure it was on perfectly before walking towards his son and niece.

"Of course my leaf let us be off" said the usual stiff Elven King with a small smile on his face as the 10 year old jumped down from his sons arms and onto the floor.

Tilda no longer feeling nervous around the King skipped over to him and took his hand gently before skippjng off through the kingdom the Kjng and Prince at her heels with the Captain behind laughing.

Tilda was then given a long tour of the Greenwood Realm, Tilda didn't think about how beautiful the kingdom was until now as she walked through the castle with the royal family.

Soon they arrived at the train grounds Tilda saw a bow and arrow and pulled Legolas' hand over to it the King and Captain of the guard following them close behind.

Tilda then grabbed a bow from the stand and held it out to Legolas. "As amazing as it is to fight with a sword, I want to fight with a bow and Da won't let me yet" she said becoming nervous as she got to asking her question.

Legolas smiled at her "do you would like me to train you?" He said making the girl smile at him, then to the side where his Father was standing. Thranduil realised the girl wanted his permission.

"Of course Legolas can train you with a bow Dilthen er" he said softly making the girl smile. "Thank you your majesty" she said curtseing before dragging his son of to train.

Time skip...

Soon Tilda had tired herself out with traing with a bow for hours, She was then picked up by Thranduil, he held her in his arms bride style with her head propped on his shoulder.

"Man dú nin réd, a nin brothers -iel (Good night my son and my brother daughter)" said the blonde King before he left the traing grounds and walked into the castle.

He walked through the hallways with the little girl in his arms who curled up in his arms a small hand holding onto his tunic not wanting to let go, the King smiled and opened the door to her room with a little help from a guard.

He then walked in palced the girl on the bed, well tried to as Tilda had a tight grip on his tunic. The King managed ti dislodge the hand and went about the room finding her some night clothes to wear.

He soon found a night dress and quickly took of her clothes from the day and changed her into the night dress which was a forest green colour, Thranduil smiled at the sleeping 10 year old.

The Elf picked her up and tucked her in under the covers, he brushed her hair from her forehead and smile on his lips as he pulled his hand away Tilda whispered something in her sleep.

"Night Papa" she whispers Thranduil heard with a gasp he quickly left the room and closed the doors. He was still smiling and realised he didnt care the King continues on his way to thebthrone room with a smile on his kingly face.

The end!

Hope you liked this chapter so sorry for the wait.

Word count: 820

"Can you do my hair like yours?" (Barduil) The Hobbit Where stories live. Discover now