chapter 6

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Priya's pov:

My eyes were roaming around the corridors, searching for a nurse or any other doctors so I could ask them the whereabouts of Dr.Vedank . But everyone here is in such a hurry that I couldn't help but stand in my place helplessly.
I heard a loud voice which made me snapped in that direction.

"Dr.Vedank!!! Emergency." The owner of the voice shouted at the top of the voice alerting every human being in the ward. Within a few seconds, I saw how people assembled around the bed which was few feet away from me carrying various instruments and my eyes were searching for that particular dr.Vendak.
I didn't even meet him yet he gives me those mysterious vibes I only read in wattpad. I shrug off such thoughts which are really useless in this situation. Focus Priya!! I snapped at myself mentally.

My eyes followed to search for the guy...I think he might be young because he is the grandson of the chairman. Is he of my age?? No I  guess if he works here he maight me little older than me. Now all the had to do is grab a chance to talk with him.

I moved a little closer to the bed around which medical personnel are swarming around. The nurse who just shouted his name earlier was glaring at me and whisper yelled
" Get aside he our doctors sees you we will be doomed."

Is he such an angrybird. I don't really like people who get angry easily but I guess I  have nothing to do with his anger and all. All I should do is care about my business.
But like curiosity killed the cat i leaned a little more to get a glance of him and i saw a man wearing an apron with his back towards me. Looking at his wide shoulders, I can already say how much of an eye candy he is for the women out there. He looks tall too.
I was appreciating his 'might be good looks' when I felt him turn around,not entirely but just his face which was covered with a disposable mask. But what caught my senses was his ice piercing gaze which were holding fiery anger that he could just rip me he didn't like the every thought of my existence.
I gulped as he signalled towards the nurse with just his brows. She seems like know him, so she immediately said
" Mam please wait outside. It's not where patients attendants can wait."

"But I...I'm not.." I thought to continue the sentence but looking at the cold man who resumed his work make me eat my words.
I just walked little far and stood there waiting for him to complete his work. I can't afford to lose him.
Shit didn't I sound worng there...what I mean is if I lose him now don't know how many more round I had to walk around in this hospital to find him again.

Eventhough I was little angry at his cold one ever behaved so coldly with me but I am not at a place to show my anger. I should definitely please him and beg him to save our company if I can.

After 15 mins I can see croud clearing from there and the person who is supposed to be Dr.Vedank was rushing out removing his gloves throwing them in the dustbin.
I tried to walk fastly to follow him but heck he got so long legs that I can't catch up with him with my short strides. Probably I should run and finally I jogged a bit and he then increased his pace which irritated me a little.
"Dr.Vedank!!!" I shouted which brought attention if other people too but I  paid less attention to them.
He stopped on his tracks as he turned around.
I guessed it right he is so so taller than me.
I shook those thoughts as I walked ahead.
His eyebrows were frowned displaying the confusion his gaze held. And they were really thick like they describe about kdrama male lead.

"Excuse me miss." His voice snapped me out of the daze.

I smiled sheepishly. I might have looked like a fool to him.

" I want to talk with" I said trying my best not to stutter but at the end I failed miserably.

"Why? If its regarding patient you can go consult the information desk " he said politely.

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