chapter 2

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Priya's pov:

I was pacing around the hallway continuously...
Suddenly pain erupted on ny toungue that my eyes were immediately welled up.
Shit...i bit down on ny own tongue. I wonder when i stop hurting myself.
It happens with me many times. I should start being more careful from now on i thought.

"They are out!!!!" I heard an exclamation from Nandu aka Nanditha my friend and also roommate.
I looked at her only to find her staring right back at me.
"You look at them i have no confidence" i said. She sighed before she started scanning our registered numbers in the pdf the state university just released.
I feel now every second is passing like a century because she has been searching  from long time yet didn't came across with our numbers.

"Finally!!!!You got first class." She said and i was really on cloud nine. I did worked hard on my exams this year compared to my last ones. Eventhough i didn't flunked them last year also i didn't get good marks. Those were just enough for me to pass and get through that year. At that time i pledged myself that i will do better in my next exams and did it too.
I might not be a distinction candidate like my anna but i did good too.

"What about yours?" I asked her.
She was definetely looking lot happier might be a distinction in a subject.

" i got distinction this year...finally i can say thos proudly to my father. He will be very happy i guess." She said happily.

Sometimes i wonder why dont god give me little more interest on studies but then i am this way its ok.
I was happy for my friend. She has been trying for distinction for last two years and last year she just lost that because of 2 marks. She finally got what she deserves.

"Congrats Nandu...i am very happy for ypu but that doesn't mean I'll leave a chance for party you have to give us all." I said.

She immediately pinched my cheeks as she said
" ofcourse we will party this time and its my treat."

I was really happy now. Who is against good and tasty food? Not me atleast...

So just now our 4th year results were out that the cause of the chaos in the room.

We are currently in my room as after exams we had to vacate the hostel rooms permanently, so i have been staying at home from lastone month.
Today as the results will be out i had invited nandu home as she stays nearby...we could catch up too.
Her house is an hour ride from mine but today her parents are gone to some village for a wedding leaving her alone.
So when i asked her dad for the permission he immediately agreed as he dont want her to stay alone and sent her my home.
Sometimes i dont understand why is he so over protective of her. Its not like she is a small kid. She is a fully grownup women and graduated one on the top but still they say stuff like women are weak they cant protect themselves or shit like we cant trust people and this society is like this so on.
Thankgod my parents are not like this.

"Ok you stay here itself for this night we will binge watch our favourite series." I said.

"No...lets roam around. Dont know when we will get another chance. Even if we are free i dont think dad gonna let me free because these days he is trying to set me up with a distant relative of ours saying its the correct time for me to marry. So lets enjoy alright?" She said.
Eventhough she was trying her best to show me that she is happy i could capture the minute sadness she has been hiding in her.
So i immediately said ok let me go inform my parents and then we will leave.

I walked out of my room as i walked to the garden in the backyard as that's where my father will be when he got some free time.
Howmuch ever he looks as vigour as a lion but the reality is that he is so much of a softie. He maintains few roseplants along with ma...they treat them with as much love as they have for me and anna. So in other words rhey are his other children.  Not that i mind sharing a bit of his love with those beautiful and breathing plants.

As i reached those plants i didn't find the sign of nanna and ma so i asked the servant she signalled me towards the fountain he built on my request when i was in my 10th standard.
Its not like i love fountains...i just found them beautiful,  may be i was so immature and was hellbent and stubborn with them so they finally built it for me.
After that i stopped asking them things carelessly because i saw many people working hard on that thing yet it wasn't much useful for anyone it only made work for the servents tougher as the birds keep throwing grass and etc which blocks the drain and so on...but birds get to drink water from them too, may be the only use of it which makes me less regretful.
Honestly its been a quite while i have gone there.
My thoughts wandered all over the place...all i could here was rustling of the leaves due to wind few birds chirping.
As i neared my destination i heard few voices so i stopped in my place concentrating more on their words.

"I can still manage...we will be alright dont worry." Dad spoke.

"We are in dire situations and you think its the time to confess it to me
Dont you think you are late" ma said sarcastically.

"Dear...dont fight with me. Am already very tensed because the situations around us. I am trying to talk with the VAIDYA medical institution and hospitals. If we could crack the deal then everything will be back on track. Now trust me ok?" He said.

"Ok...but atleast inform sid...what will you answer when its too late for the explanations?"ma said worriedly.

" ok...i have meeting with them tomorrow at 11 am if it turns out bad i am gonna ask sid to come and help me." Dad said.

Ma was already crying at the emd and even i was in tears without me actually realising.
I rubbed my cheeks harshly as i went away from there. I dont have the capability to lie them right in their faces and act like i didn't heard anything.
I do lie...manytimes to that but when emotions are involved i can't do that.
I cant really act when i very well know that ma was crying over the same problem which i am trying to act oblivious of.
When i reached my room was managed to control my tears and i dont like anyone seeing me in tears.
I just dont want to make myself vulnerable infront of anyone even if she is my bestfriend i am not gonna do that.
And the advantage of mine is no one can recognise seeing my after crying face that i have cried previously. That's definitely an advantage for me.
With a smile playing on my lips i went inside home. I asked on of the servants to inform ma that i am going out along with Nandu and directly picked up my wallet and mobile signalling nandu that we shall move now.
To be honest i was very tensed...i cant really take my mind off nanna's words. But we cant lose hope completely. Hope is the most important thing.
I personally believe hope is like the water droplet in the middle of the desert. And its not an mirage but an oasis that a person could depend upon.
Hope is always the the seedling with the potential to grow into a huge tree spreading positivity like roots and shelter the braches.

"Where do we go?" Nandu asked.
"Huh??" I was snapped to the reality.

"Where do we go now?" She repeated.

"Ummm...your wish. I mean where do you wanna go. I dont really have any specifications." I said.

"You really will not oppose me?" She asked raising her brows.

"Why will i? Lets go for mall to play games or shall we go for a good restaurant?" I asked because that's where we probably end up going.
That's what happens all the time, we discuss for hours and at last go for the same restaurant where we order the same thing everytime we visit and easy guess...its always a biryani.
You know nothing could beat the love of telugu people with the biryani.
And our taste matches alot as we bothe like the spicy biryani that restaurant's kitchen offer us.

"No...lets try something new." She stated determinedly.

"Say what  do you mean by new?" I asked confusedly.

"Shall we go for shopping??? But nandu you know how i am. I have never went to shop without ma. And i am not really good at selection i guess." I said trying to convince her.

" no...not shopping. Lets go for a pub." She said in a tone that she wouldn't take a no as a answer.


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