I was driving in the car to go back, i saw a old lady selling chocolates and strawberries so i thought to buy it for my baby as he loves it

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I was driving in the car to go back, i saw a old lady selling chocolates and strawberries so i thought to buy it for my baby as he loves it. I got down from the car and went near the shop and buy some strawberries and chocolates for my baby. After buying the things i came out of the shop but felt some water dripping on my back of hand, i look up and saw its about to rain so i went and sit inside the car and started driving back home while driving it was raining heavily only one thought was in my mind that tae shouldn't be playing in rain.
Meanwhile with Tae At home:-

Tae pov-It's been a hour i came back from a mission, i was sitting on the couch drinking my hot chocolate but i was feeling burning sensation from my leg from the time i came back from the mission, thinking that i roll my jeans till my ankle and s...

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Tae pov-
It's been a hour i came back from a mission, i was sitting on the couch drinking my hot chocolate but i was feeling burning sensation from my leg from the time i came back from the mission, thinking that i roll my jeans till my ankle and saw there is a wound on my leg and it was bleeding heavily, i roll my jeans back down, if i tell this to hyung he will be mad and give me big big injections, yarr i don't want injection they hurt alot, as tae was thinking all these he heard raining noises from backyard, he look out of the window and saw it was raining, yarr i want to play in rain but Hyung will scold me,*pout*  as tae was thinking this all a thought came in his mind hyung is not at home, he won't know anything that i played in rain or not, yeah i am so smart thinking that tae opened the glass door and started playing in rain

Tae pov-It's been a hour i came back from a mission, i was sitting on the couch drinking my hot chocolate but i was feeling burning sensation from my leg from the time i came back from the mission, thinking that i roll my jeans till my ankle and s...

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-Time skip after 1 hour-
It's been a hour tae was playing in rain and while playing in rain tae suddenly sneeze, he rubbed his arms feeling cold let's just go inside and let me take a warm shower,i am already feeling cold, if hyung found out i played in rain for 1 hour he won't leave me tae thought this all and went inside the house in his room

-Time skip after 1 hour- It's been a hour tae was playing in rain and while playing in rain tae suddenly sneeze, he rubbed his arms feeling cold let's just go inside and let me take a warm shower,i am already feeling cold, if hyung found out i pla...

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Tae went in the house in his room and directly in the washroom, removed his clothes and take a warm shower and layed down on the bed after that covering himself in the blankets and slept in few minutes.
-Meanwhile jk reach home-
Jk pov-
I came inside the house but didn't saw my baby in the living room or in the backyard playing in rain, i think he is in his room, jk went inside Tae's room seeing the door open, he came inside the room and saw tae sleeping while covering himself in blankets, he felt something weird that why he didn't came and hugged him when he came back and why he is wrapping himself in blankets. Jk went near bed and slowly remove the blanket from tae and saw him shivering, jk got worried and put his back of hand on his forehead and felt him burning, tae woke up because of the movements. Tae saw jk looking at him worriedly, tae slowly called jk in weak voice
Tae- Hyungie(weak voice)
Jk-yes baby Hyungie is here, what happen to you bub why are you burning so much suddenly
Tae-Hyungie i am sorry i played in rain (low voice)
Jk-(got mad but control himself cause tae needs him now) it's okay bun, don't do it again hmm(caressed his hairs)
Tae- okay Hyungie i won't
Jk-good boy, baby hyung needs to treat you so you have to coperate okay
Tae-okay hyung
-Jk went and took his medical bag from his room and came back to Tae's room and started with a normal checkup, like taking his temperature and blood pressure. He look at Tae's temperature and it was 105° celcius and it needed to bring down immediately but jk asked tae-
Jk- baby are you feeling any pain
Tae- hyung my throat and head hurts and my leg also
Jk-leg?? Baby can you show me
Tae-(nodded and removed the blanket)
Jk-(rolled Tae's jeans till his ankle and saw a wound there which is bleeding and still untreated)(got mad seeing that but didn't said anything and started treating tae while tae hissed in pain because of burning sensation in his leg)
Tae-hyung hurts
Jk-it's done baby (started preparing three injections)
Tae-H-hyung these many injections, i don't want (trying to run away but jk catch him and made him sit on the bed ) Hyung no want injections
Jk-tae these are important, you can't skip these and now without any tantrums lay down and turn yourself
Tae (did as told knowing he is already in great trouble)
Jk(pulled his pants down and rubbed alcohol on his butt and injected the first one- for fever)
Tae- AHHHHHHH hyung it's hurting alot
JK- shhh it's done baby hmm (injected another one for infection)
Tae- AHHHHHHHHH Hyungie no more pls it's hurting alot
JK- almost done baby just a little more
Tae-AHHHHHHHHH Hyungie pls
JK-shhh it's done baby (about to inject third one but tae used his full force and turned around while crying hard )
Tae-Hyungie hurted alot no more now
JK-shh bub i know it hurts but it's last one hmm (pulled tae in his lap, down his sweatpants till his ankles revealing his thighs and rubbed alcohol)
Tae-(Just crying hard cause jk was holding him and his hands tightly so he can't do anything )
Jk(injected the last one- for throat pain and body pain)(it was heavier doses than other so it will hurt more)
Jk-(pulled the needle out after injecting the medicine fastly yet gently) it's done bun don't cry hmm my baby
(Pick tae in his arms like a koala, swinging him back and forth trying to calm him down saying sweet words in his ears as he was crying really hard which broke his heart seeing his baby crying this much)
To be Continued:-

Did you all like this twoshot and do you want me to add tae getting punished by jk for playing in rain
Tell in comment section
Love you all 💞💝

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