-{Prologue I}-

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Prologue I: RETIRED

I walked slowly as I step on the puddles that are made by the pouring rains, "shame of me didn't bring an umbrella". I hold on to my hat pulling it down so the rain doesn't continued through my face, while my right hand was inside my pocket. As I looked down there was a news paper that was already flooded, I investigate it a bit. "The Phantom Thief..." . I didn't read through much of the news paper, since I already know what kind of topic it is. I sighed and continue to walked until I stopped at a cafe.


As I opened the door, I heard a bell ring twice. "Ah, Shuichi, good evening!". She called, I looked towards the counter to see, Kaede Akamatsu, she is the owner of this founded place and a pianist. I took off my coat and hat, putting them on the hanger that was beside the door. I walked forward to Kaede direction as some people were chating with each other and two people left with a bag of pastry. "Hey Kaede". I called out her name. "So, how was the case, did you get some evidence at least not just one". "Unfortunately, he left another card or another clue". I spoken with whispers just in case someone is an eye of them around the cafe, I pulled out the card that was in my pocket, she research the card.

"I would only take one for award and a collection, tonight"

Kaede was still looking unsure about the card. "Award..". "From what is mention with the card, tonight, that means you have until tomorrow night to solve where his next hunt". Kaede point out, usually inside a novel of mystery, every stories has to solve a mystery or problems that were made by the authors or the story itself, and it goes the same as for some detectives solving a clue ,but they have a limit to it. "Do you need a tea, Shuichi?, from your apperence you look a bit stress". Kaede asked, I rest my hands together at the table and nodded, accepting Kaede's request is just to relieve myself from the situation or problem I'm in.

She put down the white tea cup down at the table beside me, she then pour the tea to the tea cup, the smell of fresh and warmness. "Thanks Kaede". "Don't mention it!". Kaede said, I grab on the warm tea that is in the cup, and took a bit of a sip, feeling relieve and the previous dryness that was inside my throat is healed. I took some more sip and someone tap on my shoulder. "Sidekick!, it's nice to see your still the same!". The person that called out my name with some tone of familiar, Kaito Momota, I cleared out a bit from my throat. "It's good to see you too, Kaito". I spoken, I noticed another figure that was behind him it was, Rantaro Amami, "Ah, Rantaro, your here, where have you been?". Kaede asked, Rantaro chuckled a bit nervously, rubbing his head with his right hand. "Sorry I was off track with the time", Rantaro glance at the card that is shown much at the table. "I assume, you got another mystery,". I nodded, Kaito grabbed the card, as he research it, I heard whispers from diffrent strangers that are inside the cafe.

"I can't believe Junko Enoshima, will be winning an award from her highness". One of them spoken to they're other friends. "Award what kind?". "Um? The fashionista?, what award do you think she could achive?". As I stop my hearing by the word "Award".

That must be his next hunt is... But where?

Suddenly my phone rang with some tone of buzz, I glance at the number it was my uncle.. "Shuichi, aren't you going to pick that up?". Kaede asked, I nodded and pick it up. 

"Hello uncle?". I said in my usual voice

"Shuichi, I'm glad you picked up, listen I need you to get into the office right now, if you could?". My uncle called in a hurried

"Of course, uncle". I of course accepted his request and end it.

I looked through my friends that are concern, "Sorry guys, I need to go, my uncle called on me on something urgent.". I said, answering they're concerns, I grabbed the card that was at the plain table and standing up. "But, it's still raining?". Rantaro asked, I look through the shines and a bit blury window, rain pouring to it. I smiled, "It's alright, rain is within the story". I said and walk away, putting on my coat and hat. Leaving the cafe and my friends.

As I walk away from the cafe, seeing people with umbrella again and some played on the rains and puddles. I stared down at the floor, pulling down my hat and continued walking till I get into the office.

I always asked myself, why did I became a detective and not with my friends at the cafe, well I had a decision on that day and couldn't reject it, it's like a shadow following their shadows.





I sat down on the empty seat, infront of me is my uncle his hands were at the top of the table resting. His eyes glance at my nervousness. "Shuichi, I called you to my office to congratulate you on your graduation, since your parents didn't come yesterday". My uncle, spoken. "Thank you, uncle but I know you didn't call me just to congratulate me, there must be more". I looked at the table beside my uncle hands is a letter, he putted up his right hand to his chin. "Wise words, Shuichi, this is for you". He handed me the letter, as I read through the letter my uncle gave me. I was confused yet speechless.



"Your retiring?", I asked him my right eyebrows went up. "Indeed, after I heard your almost finishing high school, I started to think that maybe you would like to take my place within my role when I retire". He spoken up, I wasn't the same page as him. "Shuichi, would you take on the role of becoming a detective? It is your dream job after all, it depends on you, Shuichi". I slightly widen my eyes by my uncle words, "I-, I think I need times to answer that uncle..". I answered his question with a fair of time. "Alright kid, when you're ready to finally plan on yourself come to me".



"So you haven't decided yet?". Spoken by the person beside me, while walking, Kokichi Ouma, one of my classmate, in other words partner. "No, I still haven't.". "That's just suck, it be cool if ya do". Kokichi was talking nonsense. "How could you say, it like a foolish thing to do". I said, he glance at me and laughed, I stopped my tracks. "I'm just kidding, but, Saihara chan, if you think this is a rare opportunity then accept it, It won't matter as long as it doesn't effect our relationship". 

Rare opportunity?

In words, I tooked the advice from my partner and took the role of detective from my uncle while he choosen retiredment. 

It wasn't long for me to be notice in public, no... I was crowded by peoples.

I was sort of unhappy, but what am I missing. . . Kokichi?

He took an opportunity to another country for his business with his parents. . .

Then why am I unhappy?





[To Be Continued]

Cliff hanger sucks :/.

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