"Good." Jung Jae replied, keeping a civil demeanor.

"So, I see you're still as handsome as ever." Giselle spoke in a seductive tone as she began to rub his chest. "Why don't you and I go grab a bit or something."

Jung Jae smirked.

"Yeah sorry, I got plans with someone." Jung Jae replied.

"Plans? With who?" Giselle asked.

Jung Jae stood aside, revealing a young woman with long brunette hair and deer like eyes.

"Hi, I'm Amy." The girl greeted. "I'm Jung Jae's girlfriend."

Giselle's eyes grew wide as she looked at Jung Jae and then at Amy. She stormed off in a fit of rage as Jung Jae high fived Amy.

Well, Anupam wasn't bullshitting when he said that betterance is the best revenge.

With Hae-soo, he's still being him. He actually opened up a zen studio in honor of Anupam where they do yoga and meditation.

"Okay class, now focus on finding your inner peace." Hae-soo instructed.

He even does one for expecting mothers, which was a bonus for Ha Jun and Ho-yeon, who's now 4 months pregnant.

"You two are doing excellent." Hae-soo commented.

"Thanks." Ha Jun and Ho-yeon both replied in sync.

"So, boy or girl?" Hae-soo asked.

"It's a boy, and his name would be Min-jun." Ho-yeon replied as she rubbed her belly.

Ha Jun placed a hand on her belly as he felt a kick.

"I guess he's saying hi to daddy." Ha Jun joked making Hae-soo and Ho-yeon both laugh.

With Ji-cheol, he and Yoo-mi are both boxing pals. They have remained as good friends and Ji-cheol did meet someone.

"So how's you and Geu Ra Mi?" Yoo-mi asked as she punched the boxing bag.

"We're doing great." Ji-cheol replied. "She told me to tell you that she's sorry that she was such a bitch to you back in grade school."

"Eh, I don't hold grudges." Yoo-mi chuckled out. "But when Maggie gets out, we double dating."

"Don't need to tell me twice." Ji-cheol chuckled out.

As for other people that I'm sure y'all forgot about...Joo-ryung and Sung-tae are still together. Joo-ryung told me that Ae-Cha sees Sung-tae as a father and that she loves his cats. She even recalled the time when Ae-Cha accepted Sung-tae as her new father.

"Here kitty, kitty." Ae-Cha coo'ed at Naju, one of the cats.

Sung-tae smiled as he knelt down to her.

"You enjoy playing with the cats?" Sung-tae asked.

"Very much, they're so much fun to play with." Ae-Cha replied.

Sung-tae smiled.

"Mr. Heo, are you my mommy's boyfriend?" Ae-Cha asked, throwing Sung-tae off guard.

"W-well, yes but-"

"When will you become my dad?" Ae-Cha asked.

Sung-tae felt his heart warm up after she asked that.

"Sometime soon kiddo." Sung-tae replied with a chuckle.

They're gonna get married soon. I'm betting $5 on it.

And...as for me. Well, I'm still working at Seoul-ful Writers and my book had gotten publish then became a best seller. Me and Dong Wook are still together and growing strong everyday. He finally convinced me enough to move in with him since Gi-gi likes him so much. While I'll miss seeing Mr. Oh, or Ha Jun, or even Ho-yeon every morning, we still get together when we have the time. Ho-yeon is having a baby shower soon, so I'll see her and Ha Jun then in a few months. I'm happy that I've grown as a person. I mean, I've became what I wanted to be since I was 13 years old, I got the best friend group, and the best man. Well...I feel like getting the guy was also the goal in this as well.

After all, this is...

Just Another Romance Story

The End!

November 20th, 2022

Hey Readers, thank you so much for reading Just Another Romance Story.  I'm very happy to have an audience to write to and I appreciate you all showing me love within each update. If you're new to my stories, please go check out my other works like my Squid Game fanfic book or my Kdrama Dudes Imagines book. I will be taking a break since college is pretty tough when you're a first year and I'll be coming up with a new book eventually.

Stay Tuned!


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