Don't Give Up On Me

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Vic shrugged. "Only a blood test will tell you that, Maya."

And I will stay

I will stay with you

We'll make it to the other side

Like lovers do

"No! Please don't hurt me!" She shouted, curling up in a ball against the wall. She could feel him getting closer, his rage so evident, and prepared for the blow. Then it came. One after the next.

He got tired after a while and stumbled into his own room, leaving her alone in the dark room. She could feel blood seeping from somewhere and her stomach was in knots. Was that because of the beatings or her nerves? She'd figure it out eventually. Carefully picking herself up, she limped into the bathroom to look at herself. She saw her eye swelling and a nice purple bruise across her face. That would pair nicely with the ones all over the rest of her body.

Deciding that she had enough, she limped back into her bedroom and rummaged for the box under her bed. Picking it up with tears in her eyes, she placed it in a bag, slung it over her shoulder and left the house.

She walked until the sign came into view. Pushing the door open with the little bit of strength left, she crumpled to the floor, someone catching her.


"Maya!" She screamed.

Maya ran into her bunk, seeing Norah thrashing on the bed and gently rubbed the girl's back. "Shhh, I'm here Norah. I'm here."

Norah had since woken up, fresh tears falling down her face, but her breathing evened out when she saw Maya watching her. "I- I'm sorry."

"It's okay, sweetheart. These things happen," Maya reassured. "Nightmare?"

Norah nodded, feeling Maya's arms engulf her in a hug. She felt safe. Suddenly, Norah started panicking. "Bag. Bag. Backpack."

"Is this what you're looking for?" Vic asked, walking into the room with a small purple backpack. Norah nodded and she handed it to the girl, she and Maya watching what would happen next.

Norah felt her hands on the box, taking a deep breath and pulling it out. "This is for you, Maya. This box."

Maya furrowed her brow. Why would a little girl be giving her this box? "Norah, are you sure?" She asked. Norah then pointed to the lid, which was addressed to Maya Bishop.

"It's from my mommy."

Maya nodded, throwing an arm around Norah carefully as she opened the box and saw that it was filled to the brim. There were numerous pictures and other folded documents. But the first thing she saw was a letter addressed to her. "Do I-?"

"Yes, Maya. Please, read it. Mommy wrote it for you."

Dear Maya,

I know you don't know me, but my name is Ingrid Jones. If you're reading this, then I must be long gone now, but I don't forget meeting you. I think you were twelve when we first met. Your dad was making you run laps after a race. I always thought it was tough love, but deep down I knew it was more. He and I were close friends and I was also your mom's friend. I was devastated when she passed, but I started helping your dad out more at work and with your little brother. I know this might be tough for you, but I told Norah all about you. She's your half sister, Maya. I'm sorry you didn't get to meet her under better terms, since I'm sure she showed up unexpectedly at the Station. She knows that you're her sister and she's looked up to you since she could talk. Of course, Lane wasn't happy about that. He became abusive. First towards me, but then he started with Norah. She reminds me a lot of you; she loves running, so Lane started training her when she was six. It was tough for her and she had a hard time with his training techniques. I took most of the blows from Lane, wanting to protect Norah as much as I could. I was planning on leaving him and taking her with me, but he stopped me numerous times. We were stuck.

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