And you are?

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"Doesn't Mama look amazing?" Holly says as she walked into my bedroom with Cooper, and Holly in each of her arms. Her, and Mark agreed to watch the kids so that Sean, and I could have our first date night since before we broke up when I was pregnant with the girls. Anyways since the girls are now six weeks old (No we're not doing that...... maybe) we wanted to finally go out just the two of us for the night. I smile, and look at Holly, and the girls as I say "Thank you again for watching the four of them. It means a lot to Sean, and I." "Of course. I love my little grand babies. Plus I gave birth three times, I know how long those six weeks can feel." Holly said smiling at the end. I chuckle, and say "As much as I don't want to hear that from my mother in law, thank you Holly. Sean, and I are very excited to get some alone time. The two of us started to walk out of the room as Holly says "I can imagine. You two can barely keep your hands off of each other."

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks me. "Oh nothing. I'm waiting for someone." I said smiling. Sean asked me to meet me at the bar down the street from the stadium. "Sounds good. Just let me know if you change your mind." The bartender asks before walking away. I waited a few minutes before hearing a wolf whistle behind me. I turned, and saw Sean dressed in a white polo, and black jeans. He smirks, and says "Not everyday you meet someone as sexy as you in the bar. I'm Sean." He sticks out his hand, and I take it blushing, and playing along with his game. "I see you have a ring on your finger. Your husband is a very Lucky guy." Sean says as he sat at the bar. I smirk, and say "He is but I don't see him here do I? I'm Emma." "Well Emma how about I give you a reason to leave that fiancé of yours?" Sean says smirking. I bite my lip, and say "I don't know if you can. The sex is pretty damn good." "That good? Maybe I can be better." Sean says smirking. "I don't know." I started saying as I put my hand on Sean's thigh "Last time he fucked me, he fucked two babies into me." "Oh really? Well I'll put four in you." Sean says smirking. I move my hand up, and start rubbing him through his jeans. Sean bites his lip before saying "Let's get out of here."

"Holy fuck." I groaned as my head hit the pillow on Sean's bed. Sean lays next to me as he says"That was amazing but we both know that's nothing new." I smiled, and caught my breath before turning onto my side, and holding the side of Sean's face with one hand. "We should go get married." I said smiling. "Now?" Sean asks as he raised an eyebrow. I nodded before saying "Yeah, I mean why not? Scarlett hasn't left for Detroit yet, and right now, Joe, Baker, Abby, and Candace are here because of games. I say we do it." Sean smiles before saying "Okay. Let's do it, but you don't have a dress." "Oh I have a dress." I said smiling.

"Woah Em I'm here, I'm here." Scarlett said as she opened her door. She realized I was wearing the wedding dress we picked together, and Sean in a suit. Her eyes went wide as she said "You did not." "No no no no, not yet. That's actually why we're here. Sean, and I want to go get eloped, and we really want you, Abby, Candace, Baker, and Joe there, and well Jared in spirit." I said smiling. I saw her smile, and say "Oh my god yes of course. Give me five- No twenty minutes. Actually get your ass in here, and Sean we'll meet you at the courthouse. Go grab the other four." She pulled me inside, and waved Sean off.

"You look really good Em. Sean's going to cry." Scarlett says as she brought me to a mirror. She pulled me into her room too as she said "Wedding Glammed" me. She also said I deserve to feel pretty on my wedding day, even if it's just in a courthouse hallway. "Oh my god Scarlett. You made me look wow." I said smiling. She blushes, and says "That's all you. I just added a couple of finishing touches. Now let's go get you married."

My hands started to shake as Scarlett drove up to the courthouse, and we saw Sean waiting with Baker, and Joe on the front steps. "You okay Em? If you're having second thoughts we can drive away, and you can wait to get married." Scarlett says as she parked. Abby grabs my shoulder, and says "She's right Em. We'll support whatever decision you make." I smile, and say "No no, I'm just excited to marry my best friend. He means everything to me." "Well then let's go. I'm so excited for you."

"Woah Em, woah." Sean says smiling as I walked up to him. I smile, and say "Why don't you look handsome?" He grabs my hand as he asks "Are you ready to be apart of one crazy family?" I nodded, and held his hand as I said "Who would have guessed that a random date night would turn into us getting married?" "Definitely not me but I'm pretty glad it did"

"Now for the first time I would like to introduce you all to Mr, and Mrs.McVay. Sean you know what to do." The court provided officiant said after we signed our marriage license, and did the usual I do's. Sean smiles before grabbing my waist, and kissing me. I felt him dip me before pulling me back up, and pulling apart from me "Emma McVay. I like the sound of that."

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