I'm ready

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"What are you doing there Em?" Sean asks smirking as I placed a stack of papers on his desk. Training camp started today which meant Sean, and I will have to keep things secret for a little while. With it being July Sean, and I have been officially dating for three months, and still hadn't told anybody. All of the guys, and well Scarlett know that the two of us are pretty close but none of them know that we are officially together, or as Scarlett says "Finally put a label on it." "Well." I start saying as I walked around Sean's desk, and lightly pushed his chair causing him to turn to me "The medical staff have Jared, John, Tyler, Aaron, and Cooper's physical results, and I figured instead of waiting for the thirty five other grown men I'd bring them up now, and maybe see a few friends." "Friends?" Sean asks still smirking. I smirk slightly, and say "Friends." Sean bites his lip as I turned away from him as I walk out of the room. I stop, and slightly turn as I say "Stop looking at my ass." I turn back towards the door as I hear a slight laugh out of Sean "You know me so well." "That I do." I say before walking out of the office.

"Hey Scarlett how's first day back going?" I ask Scarlett as we both grabbed a sandwich for lunch. As we sat down Scarlett said "I might be staying off of social media after today." "That bad?" I ask laughing as I opened my water. "The first week always sucks Em. You are so lucky that all you have to do is make coffee, and make Sean happy." Scarlett said but mumbled the last part. I nearly spit out my water before asking "I'm sorry what?" Scarlett laughs, and says "I said that out loud? But in all seriousness everyday that you weren't here while on maternity leave Sean was like a middle school boy during the first few years of puberty. Cranky, and wanting to be left alone." I laugh a little bit before saying "That's Sean." "Yeah for sure it is. It's not like you two are knocking boots or anything though." Scarlett says before taking a bite of her sandwich. I blush before taking a bite of my own. Scarlett's eyes go wide as she says"Oh my god you are." "Well not exactly." I tell her as my cheeks continued to heat up. Scarlett hits my arm before asking "How long?" "Dating three months tomorrow." I told her smiling. Scarlett's eyes do wide as she asks "Three months, and you didn't tell me?" "We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while." I tell her before taking another bite of my lunch.

"We haven't had sex yet but I trust him to take care of me the way Justin did. Every time I ask for a sign that I'm doing the right thing by finding someone else to love I always end up seeing a duck soon after. Ducks meant a lot to Justin, and I." I tell Scarlett as she sips on her coffee. The two of us went back to her office until the team meeting was over since neither of us were needed. "Hey Scarlett if you see Emma tell her to come to my office." We heard Sean say from outside the door. I chuckle, and say "Right here Sean." Sean pops his head in the door as he says "Oh hey Em. I just have some paper work I need you to sort into player folders."

"Player folders. Since when do you have player folders?" I ask Sean laughing as I sat in the chair in front of his desk. Sean smirks, and says "I had to get you to myself somehow." "And why would you need me to yourself during work? Where might I add we could get caught doing anything." I ask Sean as I laughed a little bit. Sean smirks, and asks "I can't admire my girlfriend a bit?" "At work?" I started asking him as I raised my eyebrow, and crossed my arms "And I'm pretty sure you want to do more than look at me." "Ah your right. You caught me." Sean says smirking.

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