I Love Another Girl

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"Hey Soph, It's Daddy." Justin says to Sophia James who had just been placed in my arms and on my chest for the first time. "She's beautiful." I said to Justin as he wrapped his arm around mine which were draped over the back of our little girl. I watched Justin place an arm on her back as he said "Isn't she." After Jared cuts the umbilical cord he walks back over to Scarlett giving Justin and I another moment with our daughter. I look up at Justin and see the biggest smile on his face that I have ever seen. He didn't even smile like that on our wedding day, I'm kind of jealous. "Oh my goodness, isn't she precious?" Scarlett says smiling as she walks over to to Justin and I. "She is. Do you want to hold her?" I asked Scarlett slightly turning towards her so Sophia James who was still in my arms was facing her. I saw her face light up as she said "Oh, I would love to." I carefully handed my newborn daughter to her as I said "Scarlett, I want you to meet Sophia James Herbert." I teared up as Just rubbed my shoulder while Scarlett held Sophia and said "Hi Sophia, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm your Aunt Scarlett, and this is your Uncle Jared."

Scarlett held Sophia for a few more minutes as Justin carried me out of the birthing tub bridal style, and placed me on the bed so that I was sitting up, and placed the comforter on my lower half. "You did amazing baby girl." Justin says as he leans down to kiss my forehead. I smile and say as I point to Sophia and Scarlett "I don't think that's my title anymore." He smiles as he looks down at me before looking up at Scarlett and saying "I guess not." Scarlett walked back over to us, and placed her carefully in Justin's arms as she said "She's right Justin. You have a little girl now." I could tell that Justin was listening as he looked down at Sophia. I could tell that he already loved her by just the look in his eyes and the smile on his face as he looked down at her. "Thank you for letting us come here, guys. It was a very special moment, and I'm glad we were able to experience it with you two." Scarlett says as Jared stands next to her and grabs her waist. I smile and tell her "Of course, babes. Thank you two for coming. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, But with your encouraging words, I think I managed." I smiled as I looked up at Justin who was still smiling down at Sophia in his arms. I can't believe he's a Daddy now."

About ten minutes later Sophia was laying back on my chest as Justin was standing next to the bed with Jared, and Scarlett was sitting on the bed with me. "Hey Scarlett." I said as I looked over at Scarlett. I was getting tired and you could tell because I could barely keep my eyes open and my voice was getting groggy. "What's up Mama?" Scarlett asked me smiling. I smile and say "This is going to sound really weird but I really want to call Cooper right now." I look up at Scarlett to see her smiling and saying "I'm sure Cooper would love a phone call from his niece." I smile as I look up and place one of my hands on Sophia's back. I can't believe that this little human is mine. "Already on it." Justin said as he placed the phone right in front of Sophia and I showing us Cooper's face on FaceTime. "Hey Coop." I said as I closed my eyes. "Hey Em. How are you feeling?" He asked. "Good. She was a pretty quick labor and delivery so know the midwife just wants me to rest and have visitors in the morning." I opened my eyes to see him smile and say "I'll be over in the morning. Are your brothers coming over?" Look over at Justin before looking back at Cooper and saying "I'm not sure. They don't even know I went into labor yet so we are probably going to call them in the morning and let them get their rest."

Soon we got off of the phone call and Scarlett, and Jared were getting ready to go home and see Quincy. As they got their stuff together I ask Jared in a groggy tired voice "Hey Jare, Want to give her the penguin?" I see him smile and say "Yeah, sure." I smile as he looks around for the penguin stuffy he gave us earlier this morning. Justin hands it to him as Jared walks over to Sophia, and I. We look at each other and smile before looking down at her. Jared places the penguin stuffy next to Sophia. Her face was facing Jared as he placed the penguin stuffy next to her on my chest so when she saw him pull away from it she reached for it and weakly pulled it towards her. I tear up as I say "She loves it."

After Scarlett and Jared left Justin and I were laying in bed when I told him "I'm tired but I don't want to put her in her crib yet." I see Justin smiling out of the corner of my eye as he asks "I can scooch you over a bit so neither of you can fall off of the bed and put her to bed after you fall asleep if you want?" I nod as I look over at him and say "Please, But first we really have to put a diaper on her. She's been in the world for an hour and is still naked." I hear Justin laugh as he said I guess your right." I closed my eyes as I felt the small weight taken off of my chest.

"So yeah Mom and Baby are great we just figured since she was born so early in the morning we'd let you three get some rest before we called. I'll book a flight for you guys after we get off the phone." I heard Justin saying through the door on the phone to someone. I look over at the window to see the sun up and no clouds in the suburban Los Angeles sky. "Someone's awake." I hear Justin say. I look over at him and ask as he walks towards the bed "What time is it?" He smiles and says "It's ten forty eight." I burst into tears and say to him "My daughter was born this morning." I see a tear fall from his eye as he smiles and said "Yeah, She was." We sit there staring in each others eyes for a few minutes before I ask him "Can you go get her so we can do a group Face Time with the girls?"

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