They're so small

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"Come on girls. Just let Mama eat breakfast." I said as I took a deep breath. I've been contracting all morning, and I can barely take a breath. "Okay. It's time. I say to myself as I look over at the clock on the stove. My brother's knew that I could have what they thought was one baby any day now so they've been taking Sophia James, and Patrick Lee a lot so when I did finally go into labor I didn't have to worry about finding them a place to go. I managed to grab my phone, and call Sean as I continued to just take deep breaths. "Hey Emma, what's up?" Sean asks when he answers his phone. Another contraction starts as I went to speak. I took a deep breath before saying "I think I'm in labor Sean. I've been contracting all morning, and this was the same feeling when I was in labor with Patrick." "Alright I'm on my way Em. Just make yourself comfortable while you wait, and I'll be right there, and we'll go to the hospital. Do you want me to stay on the phone?" Sean asks. I bite my lip as I said "No. I'll be good. Just be quick please."

I waddled over to my bedroom the best I could when I felt a familiar popping sensation followed by a warm feeling. "Okay girls. At lease let me get to the bathroom." I was able to get to the bathroom, and into the tub in case anything happen while I waited for Sean to get here. I finally let my tears fall as I curled up, and rubbed my stomach. I tried to breath as I continued to rub my stomach. "Where the hell are you Sean?" I whispered to myself as another contraction ripped through my body.

"Emma. Emma where are you?" I heard a familiar voice yell. "I'm in here." I tried to yell. I started to cry unable to hold back my tears from being in pain. Soon I finally see Sean standing in my bathroom doorway. "Oh Em." He says as he walks over to me. He picks me up bridal style, and I burst into tears as I cried into Sean's shirt. "Everything hurts." I cry into Sean's chest as he ran us outside, and to his car. He was able to get me into his passenger side before getting in the driver's side. "I know Em, I know. At least we get to meet our baby girls soon. Next thing you know they'll be laying on our chest, and crying." He says as he started to drive. I nod, and try to talk before just giving up.

"Alright Em. Let's go meet our baby girls." Sean said as he carried me inside. Eventually we got into  delivery room, and I was able to be checked out. Unfortunately I am currently only two centimeters dilated but since it's my third pregnancy, and birth the doctors told us that I'm likely to dilate very fast this time around. "Fuck." I screamed as a contraction started. Sean tries talking to calm me down but I end up saying as I held onto the hospital bed rail "Sean I love you, but shut the fuck up please." "Yep. Sorry." Sean says as he sat down, and grabbed my hand. I continued to scream in pain as I waited for my Ob to tell me that it was finally time for an epidural.

Finally after four hours of labor the doctors told me that I was finally six centimeters dilated, and able to receive an epidural. Sean helped pull me up, and to the edge of the bed in order to receive it. Sean held my hands, and put my forehead on his as he said "Just breathe baby girl, you got this." He said trying to distract me from the needle going into my back. I burst into tears, and squeezed Sean's hands as tight as I could while I got the epidural. "That's right Em. Just breath, just breathe." Sean said as I took deep breaths through the epidural.

Once again after another few hours of labor I was finally ten centimeters dilated, and ready to start pushing. I was smiling, and crying at the same time as Sean, and I watched the doctor's get everything ready to deliver our baby girls. "Sean your about to be a Daddy." I said to Sean in tears as he wiped my hair out of my face. Sean smiles, and says "And your going to be a Mama again. How does that feel?" "A little numb but besides that I feel pretty great." I joke as my doctor walks back into the room. Sean helps me get comfortable as one of my nurses ask "Are you ready to meet your baby girl's Mama?" I nod in tears as they instructed Sean to hold one of legs to my chest while a nurse held the other. Finally after nine long months, and twelve long hours of labor I was finally instructed to start pushing.

After what felt like forever I heard high pitch wails as a small pink baby was placed on my chest. "Hi baby girl. It's Mama." I said in tears as I wrapped my arms around her. I look up, an see Sean in tears. "She's perfect." I said as Sean placed his hand on the back of her little head. After a minute or two Sean was able to cut the cord, and put her in the little weighing station so that we could deliver Baby B. "Are you ready? Just one more time." Sean asks me as my doctors got ready again. I nod again as once again I'm informed to push.

Once again I am finally told to push one last time before I can hear my baby girl wailing as they placed her on my chest, and I immediately noticed the size difference between her, and baby A. "Hi hunny. Daddy, and I are so excited that your finally here." I tell her as I teared up again. After another minute they placed both of my girls on my chest. I looked up at Sean, and noticed that he was crying as well. He put his hand on my cheek as he said "I still want to marry you Emma. Can we please get back together, and work things out?" I nod, and say "Me to. I don't want to marry anyone else." Sean leans down, and kisses me before looking at OUR daughters. "They're beautiful. Just like their Mama."

"How's Mom, and baby?" A nurse asks smiling as she walks into the room. Sean, and I's twin baby girls are now thirty minutes old, and I could not be more excited finally be able to hold them. I smile, and say "We are really really good. Mommy, and Daddy are so excited to finally meet them." "Well do these cuties have names?" She asks smiling as she took my vitals. I smile as I look over at Sean before looking back at her, and saying "They do. Baby A is Cooper Delilah McVay, and Baby B is Holly Scarlett McVay."

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