Her name is Halle

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"Come on SJ. Let's go see Uncle Jared." I said as I woke up a sleeping Sophia James while I had Patrick in my other arm." Once Sophia James finally woke up, and got out of the car I was able to close the door so we could walk into SoFi stadium. I couldn't find anyone to watch Sophia James, and Patrick Lee so I just decided to take them with me to work, and hope the guys (and cartoons) could keep them entertained while I did some stuff for Sean.

"Unca Jarwed." Sophia says smiling as she runs up to Jared. With a confused face Jared gets down to her level, and picks her up as he said "Hey SJ. What are you, and your brother doing here?" "Mommy says that we could come see you today." Sophia James tries to explain. I smile as I walked up to Jared, and say "I couldn't find anyone to watch them, and daycares aren't taking any new kids so I thought we could come see their uncles." "Well it's really nice to see them Em. I'm sure the guys won't mind. Oh, and congrats. Sean told me." Jared says smiling.

Walking up to Sean's office I heard him say "We're not cutting him. He's to valuable to us." I knocked on the open door, and said "Hey. Sorry to interrupt but I have a few people that would like to see you." I let SJ run up to Sean as he said to the assistant coach in his room "We can finish later." As he leaves I sat down, and say "I couldn't find anyone to watch them, and I completely forgot how hard it is to breathe when you're pregnant." "Well I'm sure everyone will be fine with them being here plus we have to tell them eventually." Sean said as he picked up Sophia James. I sigh, and say "True, but can we keep the twins part to ourselves for a little while. Once the guys find out, the media will, and I want something to keep to keep a secret for a little while." "Of course." Sean starts saying as SJ cuddled into him "Out little secret."

"Are you fucking kidding me Goff. You're supposed to throw the damn ball not drop it." I heard Seen yell as I walked into the field area. "He's really going hard today huh?" I ask Scarlett as I stood next to her. She laughs, and says "Hey Em. Yeah, it seems like he has something on his mind. He's never like this. The only other time he was like this was the day he told us he wanted to propose to you." She gasps before adding "You didn't get eloped or break up did you?" I laugh, and say No no no. If we broke up you'd be the first to know, and if we eloped you'd also be the first to know. I'd want you, and Jared there with me." "Well then what's up with him today?" Scarlett asks. I shrug as knowing Sean wanted to tell everyone later.

Sean got settled into his press conference as he looked over at me. He gave me a soft smile as I mouthed "I love you." Before he could say anything back was told to look at the media personnel in front of him. "Good afternoon Sean. Thanks for taking time to speak with us today." Someone said. He went on with the press conference, and continued answering questions before he was asked "It was noticed that you were absent from a team dinner last night. Would you mind providing an answer why you weren't present?" Sean looked over at me, and smiled before saying as he looked back at the guy "I was at a doctors appointment with my fiancée. A couple days ago we found out that we're pregnant with Baby McVay." Sean stood there smiling as he got a few "Congratulations."

One Sean was done with the media we walked to Scarlett's office to pick up Sophia James, and Patrick. "Mama." Patrick yelled when he saw me. I took him from Jared's arms as Scarlett said "Congrats guys. Everyone finally knows." "They do. How are yours treating you Scar?" I asked her as Sean, and I sat down. Scarlett smiles, and says "My morning sickness is starting to go down which is really really nice, and we can find out what we're having soon which as you know makes it so much easier to prepare." "That's good. I think Sean, and I will do a small reveal with you guys, the group, my brothers, Sean's sisters, and Justin's parents, and brothers." I said trying not to fall asleep. Scarlett gasps, and asks "Your going to do a gender reveal this pregnancy?" I nod as I said "I'd like to do something small but nothing to to big."

Sean stays outside to make a phone call as I put Sophia James, and Patrick Lee down for bed. I kiss Sophia James's forehead before I walk out of her bedroom, closing the door on the way out. I was about to sit down on the couch I noticed a small, black dog with white fur on her chest sitting on the long part of the couch. "Sean." I yelled. He stands inside the doorway, and asks "What's up babes?" "Well for starters there is a Puppy that I have never seen before on our couch, and we have never talked about getting a dog." I told him as I picked up the puppy. Don't be mad." Sean starts to say "One of the assistant coaches found her on the side of the road this morning, and told me that he was going to take her to the shelter after work today. I couldn't let him take her they're, you know how brutal they are in Los Angeles." I sigh before saying "Okay. I guess we can keep her. "You hear that baby girl. Mommy says you can stay." Sean says as the dog starts licking his face. I smile, and ask "Well what's this pretty girl's name?" "Her name is Halle."

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