Chapter 20 - Where to next?

Start from the beginning

"He would talk to you like you were really important, and show you around the neighborhood. He would try his best to solve issues for others, and he would also teach you about things you might not know. He was always kind, and he never shouted or got upset."

"So he would just talk to people about things? Like how he felt?" Rou asked, his eyes shining brightly like I've never seen before.

"Pretty much, yeah. But he would never criticize or complain. He only really would say nice things, and he would explain things to you like you were his best friend." I said. "He made everyone feel special and unique!"

"Wow... I hope that I can be like that one day..."

"Maybe you can. I think all of us could. We just need to keep on trying to be the best people that we can be towards each other."

"He sounds like he's got it figured out all right." Laura said from behind me. She must've come back inside at some point.

"Yeah." I said.

"Alright. I'm gonna try and do that." Rou said with a determined look on his face.

"Me too." I said.

"Ditto." Laura agreed.


Soon after, Rebecca was done with painting us and showed us our picture. She was a very good artist! Laura was in the back, Sam and Rou at the sides, and me in the front, with all of us looking forward. Sam and Rou looked really happy, I looked happy, and Laura had a little smile on her face. It looked really great!

The one thing I was really worried about though, was what we were still doing here. I mean, we've been here for a couple days, but aren't I supposed to be saving the world or something? I still hadn't even gotten all the answers I've been looking for. Besides, I had a question that I forgot to ask.

"So, Rebecca. I was wondering... what happened between you guys and Jake?"

Rebecca's gleeful smile she had on immediately disappeared off her face as it grew more somber. "I.... Hmm." She said quietly. "It's sort of complicated. Jake and Hector had a disagreement, and I felt they were overreacting a bit. I don't really like to talk about it."

"Oh." I said quickly. "Sorry."

"It's fine." She said, trying but struggling to brighten the mood again. "We don't talk much now anyways!"

"Do you think things will get better?" Sam asked.

Rebecca went really quiet. "I hope so..." she said in a small voice.

"Sooo..." Laura interjected, clapping her thick paws together. "What about that Feraligatr... Bart? You talk to him lately?"

"Bart?" Rebecca asked, now beginning to cheer up again. "Oh yes! I send letters to him all the time! He's actually where I want you four to go next!"

"To Bart? Why?" Laura asked.

"Because he has the key to gain access to the Relick stone." She said simply. "You guys are gonna have to get it from him if you're going to fix things."

"Wait, fix things? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, in Hector's book, he wrote that we had hidden the relic stone. Since then, Jake actually found its location, but he still can't get to it because Bart has the key to open the room it is held inside."

"Oh, so it's no longer hidden, but it is still contained? As in, Jake still can't use it?" Sam asked.

"Yep." Rebecca winked.

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