chapter 8

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„Louis, stop" he says while looking deep into my eyes. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again, preparing for what he is about to say. Which was not what I expected. At all.

„Louis, listen to me baby, alright? I want this baby so much. Not just because it's mine but because it's yours too. That baby has your genes. We created that human in there together and you know what's the most amazing thing about that, it could have your gorgeous ocean blue eyes and fluffy caramel hair. Maybe it will even have that amazing and absolutely perfect personality of yours that I still want to get to know more. I want to get to know every single thing about you. In every second for the rest of my life I want to find out new things about you. I want to know everything from what your favourite movie is to what you hate the most in the entire world to how you put on your make up so perfectly. Just Everything. Louis, this child is just going to be a huge ass plus point to your already perfect self. I want no one else but you."

After Harry's speech is finished I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks which he immediately wipes away. He gives a kiss to each of my probably blotchy cheeks.

„B-but why d-did you leave m-me? That morning... why did you l-leave?"
I give him puppy eyes because I really want to understand how he could do that if he wanted me so bad. Harry sighs as he softly engulfs my tiny hands with his huge ones.

„Baby, I was going to get us breakfast. I woke up with you on my chest and decided to call the room service but no one answered. I really didn't want to get up but I wanted us to have breakfast in bed. I just knew we weren't going to end up in a weird-morning-after situation. So I got up and dressed to get us some breakie" he answers which only makes me cry again this time harder. When I feel two huge strong arms wrap around me I can't stop myself from sobbing loudly into his chest.

„I'm so sorry! I thought you left! I-If I would have waited or woken up later.. everything would be fine!" harry shushed me while rocking my body as he picks me up from the bed. A second later I'm seated on his lap, looking at him as he holds my face.

„You did nothing wrong, baby. I would have probably done the same if you weren't anywhere to be found. But we will make this work, okey? It's not to late for anything" after Harry says that I stop crying and nod while wiping my face with my hands. I then look up at him and take his hands that where hanging on his sides. He probably didn't want to touch me without permission. When I see his eyes darting down to my stomach I place them there with my hands on top of them.

„My tummy is going to start growing now. I'm so excited, you know. Everyone is going to see that I'm carrying my little pumpkin. And then they will start kicking and moving and I will talk to them so much until they can't stand my voice anymore. And I will feed them everything they crave even if it's pickles with Nutella. I will never ever wear anything that will hide them from anyone's sigh because there will be just the most amazing, pretty, gorgeous person out there. We will decorate a perfect nursery for them and will throw a baby shower and gender reveal party. And we will create such great memories with them" I smile down at our joint hands on my stomach as I ramble. I don't even notice when I start talking about a ‚we' which I don't even know if that will ever exist.

„Yeah, that will be amazing, Lou"
hearing Harry's soft and quiet voice I look up to see him silently crying. Without thinking I start kissing his tears away. I giggle when I feel him tickling my sides.

A minute later we are tangled up on my bed laughing loudly. I take a deep breath as my laugh turn down a bit into a soft giggle. When I look back at Harry I see him staring at my lips which makes me blush like a madman.

„Louis, I know that I will make me sound crazy but I know that you are the one" my breath catches in my throat and before I can think about it I'm pulling myself up with my hands that are wrapped around his neck and lean in.

When our lips meet it feels like that night again. Just like heaven. Then a thought comes to my mind and I immediately pull away.

„You know, it's such a coincidence that you are here now. I mean we probably wouldn't have meet each other again if you weren't here" I say while pulling my eyebrows together. When Harry coughs softy I look up from his lips into his eyes.

„Um.. maybe not so much of a coincidence" he whispers in a very unsure voice which makes me frown even more.

„What do you mean?" I ask him.

„Um.. maybe I set some of my friends up to follow you around and maybe Bella broke into the hospital and read through your folder and maybe I work in a gang that is close to a mafia and maybe I am obsessed with you that I know about every single detail of your life" Harry rambles really fast which makes me gulp loudly after his confession.

„Oh um... okey. So that car in front of my apartment were your friends?"
When Harry nods I gulp again. Okey, that is definitely crazy and not normal but I don't really seem to find myself caring.

„Okey, I'm just going to continue kissing you now. Yeah" I giggle and nod leaning into him more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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