chapter 6

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"Harry is coming tomorrow."

My heart skips a beat or two at the mention of his name. I know that there is a very low chance of them talking about my Harry. I mean not my Harry but the father of my unborn baby.

Out of reflex I put my hand on my tummy and decide to find out which Harry they are talking about.

"Who's this Harry?" I ask, trying not to show how sad the thought of him makes me. I look at back over to them to see them give each other a weird look.

"Uhm.. he is my twin brother. He told me that he is coming tomorrow with Chiara, she is my younger sister. Mom and the others are staying there for the meeting" Sebastian answers and sighs afterwards. I nod and take out the sunscreen from my bag. Sebastian and Bella get into a conversation about his brother but I don't listen to them, to much in my thoughts about Harry while applying the cream on my legs.

I just wish everything would be as easy as it always seems. Like my parents they have been together for over twenty years and are still so in love with each other. And the thought that I could have that with someone just seems so lovely. That someone maybe being Harry. If he didn't leave we may could have built the perfect life. With a baby, a house that we would built together and maybe even a dog.

I snap out of my thoughts as Ally and Kayla lay down next to me. I smile at my best friends and put the sunscreen back into my bag before taking out my AirPods to listen to some music while laying in the sun.

As I lean back against the sun bed my playlist starts and I close my eyes.

2 hours later

The sunlight hits me as I slowly crack one eye open. I sigh as I realise I fell asleep while laying in the sun. Moving my bikini top a bit to the side I see that I got a pretty good tan.

After taking out my AirPods which where still playing music out and putting them into my bag I get up and make my way into the house. No one was at the pool anymore so why stay there alone.

When I walk inside I see my mom, Kayla and Phoebe in the kitchen probably cooking dinner. My dad wasn't with them or in the living room neither are Ally, Daisy or Bella and Sebastian.

As I walk up into the third floor where my room is along with Lottie's and the other empty room. Bella's and Sebastian's room is at the very top where also a small roof terrace with a whirlpool are.

One the second floor are Ally's and Kayla's room as well as the room Sebastian's sister and mom will sleep in. Bella's sister and her boyfriend along with their other friends will also sleep on that floor. My parents are sleeping on the first floor.

I place everything that was in my bag to where it was before and then walk into the en-suite taking my bikini off.
I look at my tanned body in the mirror and move my hands over my flat chest. I wonder if my chest is gonna grow while being pregnant? I heard that woman's breast grow while being pregnant. There is also going to be milk inside of them so it would make sense if they did.

As my hand touches my nipple a small moan falls from my lips. I noticed them being more sensitive but not this much.

I start playing with my right nipple, rolling it between my thumb and pointer finger. It gets more pink and swells a bit just after a couple of seconds. Thinking about if I should go back into my room and take out my light blue vibration that I stuffed into the last corner of my beside table. I decide against it because I know my mom will text me in a couple of minutes saying that dinner is ready.

After taking a quick shower I slip into Victoria Secret pyjamas before walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

As I walk around the corner I bump into Sebastian who has his phone pressed to his ear while talking to the other person with an aggressive tone in his voice

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As I walk around the corner I bump into Sebastian who has his phone pressed to his ear while talking to the other person with an aggressive tone in his voice.

"...I know you want to talk to Louis but I'm not-" he cuts himself of as he sees me. His eyes widen as he takes the phone from his ear and gives me a slight smile.

"Um- hey Louis" he says laughing nervously. I raise my eyebrows at him and giggle at his weird behaviour.

"Who wants to talk to me, Sebastian?" I ask him which makes his eyes widen again. He coughs before answering me.

"First of all not important. Second of all please call me Seb or Sebby" he says before brushing past me. I furrow my brows but shrug it off walking into the open kitchen where loud noises are heard.

[Harry's Pov]

"Harry, I know you want to talk to Louis but I'm not-" Seb suddenly stops talking. After a couple seconds I hear his voice again but a bit more far away as if he took the phone from his ear.

"Um- hey Louis" I hear him say laughing nervously afterwards. My eyes widen and after hearing light giggle of the tiny boy my brother is talking to a small smile makes its way on my face.

"Who wants to talk to me, Sebastian?" I hear Louis beautiful voice very faint on the other end. I move my hand over my mouth to hide any noise I was about to make. Probably a squeal.

Seb coughs before answering him
"First of all not important. Second of all please call me Seb or Sebby" I roll my eyes at him as I look to my left eher my little sister is sitting looking out of the airplane window. As if she notices my eyes on her she turns her head and gives me a soft tired smile. Leaning over I press a small kiss to her temple and turn back to the conversation I was having with Seb.

"Seb, Chiara and I will land in half an hour which means we will be there at seven. Please, tell me you told Louis' mom that we are there for dinner" I close my eyes and pray for my brothers sanity. I don't want to look bad or like an asshole in front of the love of my life's mom.

"Yes, I told her just before you called. I'm going to hang up now but make sure that when you talk to Louis you don't do it when he is completely overwhelmed, okey?" I agree to his suggestion and hang up before opening instagram.

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