chapter 7

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[Louis' Pov]

"You don't have to get up I'm getting yours, too" Daisy tells me as she makes her way over to where all the plates full of cheese gnocchi. In the middle of the huge table is a plate with bruschetta. I take one of the bread pieces and stuff it in my mouth. I hold in a moan at the delicious taste hits my tongue.

Just as I am about to thank Daisy for getting my plate the door bell rings. Seb who is sitting a couple of seats away from me quickly gets up with Bella running after him. I look over at Daisy who just shrugs and takes one of the breads.

[Harry's Pov]

A grin makes its way on my face at I look at the door in front of me. I'm about to see Louis again and I can't wait a minute longer.

As the door opens my best friends body is immediately jumping at me.

„Hazza!" Bella squeals into my ear as I swing her in my arms, laughing at her excitement. I put her down after a minute and turn to my twin brother who is currently talking to our sister, kissing her temple.

„Can we go inside now? I can't wait anymore, Seb" he chuckles at me and pats me on the back before nodding.

„A ‚hello' would have been nice but yeah go see the love of your life" he takes Chiara's luggage and walk into the hallway of the gorgeous house. I roll my two suitcases in front of me and place them on the wall in the entrance.

As Seb walks into the open area that is down the hallway he announced my sisters and my arrival.

[Louis' Pov]

„Everyone, this is my beautiful little sister Chiara and my ugly other half, Harry" I hear Sebby announce as he walks back into the room with a beautiful young girl smiling beside him.

„I thought there were going to come tomorr-" I say just about to take a sip of my water while getting up when Seb's 'other half' walks into the room.


But- How?

I stand there with my glass of water in my right hand looking at the most gorgeous man who's baby is currently growing in my tummy.

Before I can stop it the glass is shattered all over the floor and the hand that was just holding it is now tightly wrapped around my stomach.
My dad immediately rushes over to me and softly moves me backwards away from the glass.

I'm still watching Harry who was just greeting my mom with a kiss on the cheek. He still has his hand on her shoulder as his gaze meets mine.

He's even more handsome than I remember.

Mom is now moving away from him and quickly walks over to me while Ally gets something to sweep up the broken glass.

„Baby, is everything alright? Are you hurt? Is pumpkin okey?" mommy says in a calm voice while she rubs my stomach with one hand and wrapping her other one around my waist.

It takes me a second to answer and it still comes out in a shutter.

„Mo-mommy th-tha.. Harry" I whisper as she looks at where I'm looking which is Harry. He is now slowly walking over to me which is really scaring me but I won't move away.

„What? What do you mean, baby?"
mom asks but she moves a bit away from me as Ally kneels on the floor while sweeping up the glass.

„M-my b-baby... his b-ba-baby"
I shutter as a tear rolls down my cheek. I feel my moms soft hand wipe it away.

„What I do- Oh!" my mom now says loudly as she realises pointing a finger between the two of us.

„Okey!" my dad yells and sits down at the table. „Everyone is going to sit down and this will me discussed later. I don't know about you but I'm hungry" he says, digging into his food afterwards.

After a couple seconds of silence everyone moves to their seats and starts eating. My mom guides Chiara to the kitchen where two plates are left which I didn't notice before.

Harry gives me an apologetic smile as he sits down on opposite side of me.
I slowly move back into my chair and accept the glass Lottie is passing me.

I'm just about to grab the water gallon that is standing in the middle of the table when a huge veiny hands wraps around it.

My eyes follows the hands up to the huge biceps and then to the beautiful face that arm belongs to. Harry grabs my glass and fills it up before placing it next to my plate.

„T-Thank y-you" I say while picking up my fork and spoon. His eyes find mine and he gives me a bright smile before answering.

„No problem, love" his voice sounds like honey in my ears and I get lost in the way he is holding my gaze. I didn't even notice that he had green eyes that night in the hotel room.
Then I realise how that night ended and I immediately look down at my plate.

Dinner is nice everyone is talking among each other about anything and everything. I help my mom and Phoebe collecting the plates and placing them into the dishwasher.
Harry offered to help but mom told him to relax since he has only been here a couple of minutes.

When I walk out of the kitchen I see everyone sitting on the huge couch watching a movie. I decide that today was enough for me and walk up the stairs. Just as I get to the top of the stairs in the second floor I see Harry walking out of his sisters room. He probably put her luggage into her room.

When he sees me just standing there and watching him, he gives me a smile and slowly makes his way over to me.

„I get when you don't want to but I would really like to talk about this whole situation.." he trails of while stopping a few meters away from me. I immediately get the urge to just melt into his chest but I only shake my head while making my way up the next stairs.

„No, I-I want to talk about it" I answer him and hear his footsteps behind me a second later. When I reach the top I walk into my own room without a second thought.

„Should I, you know, close the door?"
I hear Harry's calm voice behind me.
I turn around to him and nod as I sit down cross legged on my bed.

After closing the door Harry slowly moves more into my room inspecting it for a couple seconds before I gesture him to sit down next to me. He keeps his distance while getting more comfortable.

„Okey- um I just need to get this clear for myself, Louis. Am I the fath-" before Harry can finish his question I answer him.

„Yes." I say in a clear voice trying not to show any emotions. When Harry doesn't give a response I slowly look up to read the expression on his face.

He has a hand over his mouth put instead of being angry, mad or aggressive. He is laughing and I think I can even see a tear slip out of his eye.

„I'm sorry! I know you don't want to be in its or my life. I get that. And I know that I can do this alone! I don't even need your money or anything. My family and friends are supporting me so don't worry about it-" my ramble is cut of with Harry sitting in front of my on the floor and holding my face in this hands, stroking my cheeks while smiling.

„Louis, stop" he says while looking deep into my eyes. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again, preparing for what he is about to say. Which was not what I exempted. At all.

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