New Year

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I ran around frantic as I tried to finish putting up decorations. My parents left to DC for the week and were fine with me having a lowkey New Years Eve party.

"Bennett," I yelled. "I need help!"

My brother poked his head out of his room, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"With what?" He asked.

"I can't reach," I replied, jumping to tape one of the decorations to the wall.

"I knew you'd need my help eventually," he chuckled as he took the end of the banner and hung it for me.

"Do you think I have enough food?" I asked. "I have six pizzas, breadsticks, a thousand appetizers, and dessert."

"I think that's more than enough for thirteen people," he replied before disappearing back into his room.

"Wait, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it, Brooklyn? I have to finish getting ready."

"We were best friends. What happened?" I questioned, a frown forming on my face.

"We grew up. That's what happened."

"I get that but you act like you hate me or like I'm just in the way."

"I hate that you wasted your potential."

"No I didn't," I replied. "I never wanted to be in the Navy and you knew it. I only did it because of dad!"

"Congratulations, no matter what you chose you would've disappointed someone," Bennett replied before disappearing back into his room.

I harshly blew air past my lips before realizing that it was almost eight and I still had to get dressed. I ran to my room and blow dried my hair before straightening it and then choosing my outfit.

I settled on a black and red sequined dress that screamed "New Years" and my favorite pair of high heeled booties. I slipped my shoes on as I hopped towards the door when the doorbell rang.

"Hold on," I called out before answering, only to see Rooster, Bob, and Phoenix as I opened it.

"Brought some champagne for midnight," Phoenix said as she came in, taking the bottles to the kitchen.

"Come in! There's food in the kitchen. The buffalo dip is so good," I said.

As I was about to close the door, Payback and Coyote showed up and as they came in, Coyote kissed my cheek in greeting. Though I had bailed on our date the night before, I didn't mention anything about Jake which, in hindsight, was an issue.

"Anyone know if Hangman's coming?" Payback questioned.

"I thought he'd be the first one here," I admitted. "He's probably combing his hair or something. By the way, where's your emotional support himbo?"

"My what?" Payback questioned, his eyes wide.

I laughed until my cheeks hurt at his reaction.

"Your himbo," I replied, only to gain a blank stare. "Fanboy. Where's Fanboy?"

"Oh," he laughed. "He's getting some more drinks!"

Bennett emerged from his room and Phoenix seemed to panic at the sight of him, making me laugh.

"Dude your dad was hot," Phoenix said as she saw a photo of him and Mav together from their pilot days.

I fake gagged and wrinkled my nose.

"Where'd you think the good looks came from, Phoenix?" Bennett asked her. "It's been a long time."

"It definitely has," she replied, smiling small but Rooster looked visibly jealous.

As we all moved to the kitchen to grab food, I suddenly felt hands on my hips and turned, thinking it may have been Javy but it was Jake.

"How did you get in here?"

"You left the front door unlocked," he replied.

I turned away from Jake and it was obvious that there was about to be a possible scandal between Jake, Javy, and I since Javy was standing right next to me and I hadn't realized it. Unfortunately, I didn't give myself time to let Javy down about Jake and now I found myself in a sticky situation.

"Anyone else need a drink?" I quickly asked as I stepped away towards the cooler I had sitting on the deck table.

"I'll take a beer," Jake replied.

I turned to look at the group and Jake looked at me with a smile before winking, which made me smile and my heart flutter.

"Before I forget, the oculus is set up in the living room," I called out, stealing a last look at Jake before disappearing outside to grab a drink.

When I came back inside, I found everyone in the living room and Phoenix had the Oculus on. I pulled my phone out and made sure that the game was also being shown on the tv so we could see what she saw.

"You're botching the song," I squealed out as she played Beat Saber.

Halfway through the song, she failed and I held my hand out to take the headset and controllers.

"Let Bennett show you all how it's done," I teased as Phoenix handed him the headset and controls. "He's an expert at this game."

We watched as my brother played the same song as Phoenix, but on expert mode, laughing at some of his movements.

We played various games through the night, ending it with beer pong just before midnight.

" new year," we all shouted in unison as the clock struck midnight.

To nobody's surprise, Rooster and Phoenix had kissed at midnight but what nobody seemed to be prepared for, aside from Bennett, Rooster, and Phoenix, was that Jake dipped me as he placed a kiss on my lips.

"I knew it," Payback shouted in excitement, making us laugh as Jake brought me back to my feet.

"And here I was thinking it was a secret," I teased. "Nice intuition, flyboy."

Once midnight had come and gone, everyone began to trickle out with Fanboy, Halo, and Bob being the designated drivers for everyone else. After helping me throw some of the trash away, Bennett went to his room. Jake had helped get everyone safely into their vehicles before coming back inside and finding me doing some dishes.

"You should get some sleep," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Will you stay with me?"

I dried my hands before turning towards Jake, my eyes finding his.

"I just want to fall asleep with you beside me," I admitted.

"I'll stay," he whispered, not wanting to be too loud. "Come on."

He pulled me towards my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

"Now get comfortable," he replied as he pulled his shirt of and hung it over the corner bedpost.

I grabbed a pair of flannel pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt, changing into them before watching Jake climb into bed. I turned the lights off and slid into bed beside him and I felt his arms wrap around me.

"You make me forget what hating myself feels like," I muttered as my fingers ran up and down his forearm. "Thank you."

I snuggled up to Jake, my eyes fluttering closed.

"You're truly something special, Brooklyn," he whispered before kissing my forehead.

"Told you I'd change your life," I mumbled. "Goodnight, Jake."

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