Fall To No One

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Rook placed her hand gently on my shoulder and led me along to the exit. I still couldn't deny my anxiety, but we had to leave.
I could tell, even in my discombobulated nonsense, that Rook was, and was not, a Wammy House child. I knew that her real name was Rebecca Watari.
The granddaughter of Watari, who assisted L. Even if I didn't know every inhabitant by name, I would still be able to at least consider her a descendant of Watari; her hair curled tightly in some parts, lazily in others, all in a blonde head of hair. Her eyes almost resembled Watari's, blue, layered and deep, like a pure dark sapphire.
I couldn't imagine the grief she might go through once her adrenaline wears off...once we are safe somewhere.
Somewhere outside.
I imagined the sunlight again in my mind. Ever since I was small, my glimpses of sunlight were never accompanied with good feeling.
It was the worst place to be, here in a Kira ruled building, yet I found myself still hesitant to exit that door.
I shook my head and pressed a hand against the wall, blearily blinking as we made our way to the door. I haven't slept a normal night (which is still insufficient to me) in the worse half of a week. I knew that I could collapse at any moment now, just because of my injuries alone.
I already had earlier.
I refocused myself to see that we were locked in. Prespice's voice was muffled, and so was Rook's. We exchanged a glance of understanding, but I found myself leaning heavily on the left wall, the red, dim lights above shining down on me, as if to illuminate my absolute need to rest.
So tired.
I almost let myself close my eyes before I heard a rattled thump, felt through the wall I was leaning on.
Another thu-thump.
More, and they combined. They were running.
"Rook, stop for a moment..." I say, letting my left arm go limp, being pressed between the wall and myself, as I press my ear to it. I placed my right hand there.
"Could it be other kids?" Prespice's voice rings optimistically as he turns his head to look deeper down the hall. His bangs cut off at his eyebrows, which are also a bright, light purple, and with the red glare from this hall, it almost looks artistic. His eyes are a dark green, showing that this boy is not all whimsy, but that some great mass of intelligence must hide behind those eyes. "The Prodigy" they would call him.
"Were there other kids behind us, maybe?" Prespice narrows his eyes into the almost darkened end of the narrow hall.
I shake my head, resisting the urge to chuckle, despite the situation. Kids wouldn't be running that fast, making that large of an impact in sound in their steps...
Rook responds, and Prespice continues to talk, but I inhale sharply as I hear the footsteps continue. I hear a stray shout. I blink, my mind somewhat pulled back into focus as I glance at Rook.
"The lock. Hurry."
She bends back to what seems to be a lock pick, with a case for many size ones. So she can pick locks...
"Step away from the door! Hands up...now!" I see the guard coming before I hear him, his gun trained at Rook and Prespice before he notice's me. Four others accompany him, who all have guns and tinted face covers.
"I suppose that's how Kira keeps them in line..." My mind whispers, "Anonymity. It's the best safeguard from a Death Note. It would also prevent anarchy." I glare at the masks.
Diabolical genius...
"Hey, I said hands up!" One of them brandishes his gunpoint at me. I stay in my position, quite content with the wall holding me up. My hair is partially in my face, and when I go to move it, I wince slightly when the strands brush against my wrist laceration.
My eyes flicker down to Rook, who is slightly turned to the guards. When her eyes catch mine, another flash of understanding sparks between us.
Although I do feel doubt. Wether from her or me, I'm not entirely sure.
"Did you hear me?" One of the guards takes a step toward me, his gun in my face. I can imagine and ugly, sneering nose and eyes beyond the dark frame that covers it, as he presses the gun to my forehead, "Hands up."
"Tell me, would Kira want you to kill me right now?" I say, and his gun moves one inch back.
Catching a glimpse of Prespice's surprise, I duck my head as I shoot out my arm at the man's throat. As the heel of my palm slams into his Adam's apple, I hear him wheeze before his back smacks the floor.
His gun clatters to the ground.
Instantly, I let my legs give out, as if they were ready to, gripping the gun with my right hand as my left hand feels the wall next to me. Three of the guards shot where my upper body once was, and as I lift up the choking guard's gun, I see Prespice pull against Rook by her ankle.
The fourth guard had taken a shot at her.
"I will deal with you especially later."
The thought resolves in my mind even though I can't think clearly.
I aim the gun at a guard to the far left. I shoot, the bullet knocking the gun out of his hands. Before he can recover, I sling the decently heavy gun at his head, hitting him soundly as he crumples to the floor, unconscious.
The two other men already were about to shoot me. I scrambled to my left, as I felt three sound bullets crash behind me. I heard Rook shout something, before one of the guards was gripped on the back of the neck by Prespice.
I shuffled to my feet, ducking immediately once the unassisted guard aimed his gun at me. Taking in his moment of aim, I placed both hands on the sides of his gun and twisted, wrenching it from his grip.
Both palms still holding the gun without fingers, I slammed it sideways into his head, and he fell over.
The fourth guard still remained.
"It's later." My mind echoed.
He took an unprecedented shot at me, but missed as I half shifted, half strode, to him, he aimed the gun again, but my hand grabbed it before he could pull the trigger.
I narrow my eyes, letting lose a breath I didn't know I was holding. The guard stood there for a moment, and I realized that I could hear erratic breathing against his mask.
I pulled at the gun to bring it into my possession, but the trigger got pulled back by the man's idle hand, his fingers curled around it unknowingly.
I slammed my teeth together with a crack as I felt the spinal shock reverberate from my arm. I saw dark liquid run down my forearm, before I ripped the gun from the guard's hand with retaliation, more forcefully as my arm flew back with recoil.
I heard his finger bones snap, still helplessly caught in a curled subconscious stance.
He pulled back his hand, cradling his disfigured fingers as I stumbled, but then steadied as I aimed the gun at him.
"L-M! What are you doing?!" Prespice shouts that before I pull the trigger with my good hand.
"It won't...kill him." I mumble. The bullet merely whizzed past his ear, like I aimed it to. He still fell, shocked and scared and in pain as much as any man with a bullet wound would be.
I drop the gun, my hand paralyzed from the latent shock of slamming and gun firing. I managed to place it over the dribbling liquid in my arm before I fell, Prespice's hands reaching down for me as I descended.

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