"M-M-My usual fucking o-order" he mimicked me and his friends laughed finding his assaults funny.

I quickly noted down his friend's orders and rushed away from them as soon as I could, being in his presence is suffocating and his temper is same as Tyler's, like a ticking time bomb, you never know what might tick him off, and them angry is never a pretty image, atleast not for me.

With the notepad in my hands I walked into the kitchen to hand the order over to the chef.

"Him again?" Janice groans while she eyed the order, she have the order recognised since Darren comes here almost everyday because he don't have to pay for his meals since the owner and him are close friends. Janice don't like him for how he treats me infront of everyone, but she can't say anything, she needs this job to support her family.

But she cuss him a lot when it's just us, and it's enough for me that she wants to stand up for me even if she can't.

She's the closest thing I have to a friend, even though we never talk outside the Diner since I don't have a phone that works, and even if I did, I know Tyler wouldn't allow me to talk to anyone.

"You don't have to go back to them, stay here, I'll get Alice to bring their food out to them, she likes to flaunt her giant ass infront of a group of horny boys anyways" Janice says making me chuckle and I agree with her.

"But I can't stay back here, if Alice sees me slacking around, she'll snitch me out" I sigh and Janice hands me a tray with toast, omelette and a medium sized glass of orange juice.

"Then get this to table 8" she speaks with a gentle smile and I return her smile before walking out the kitchen.

She's one of the two people who actually smiles at me, other was this old lady that I helped cross the road a couple days ago.

Beside that everyone seem to not like me as much, or maybe I'm just over thinking?

I was walking, lost in thoughts when suddenly I bumped into a broad back causing me to fall right on my butt with the tray flipping right on me, and here I sat, with the food on the floor and juice all over my uniform.

Looking down at myself my face went red when I realised that my skirt had ridden way up. To the point my shorts underneath were probably visible.

My embarrassment only grew when loud laughter erupted from Darren's table while he whistled and called me names and unvoluntary tears pooled in my eyes.

Sucking in a deep breath and trying to ignore the agonising pain in my ribs I quickly pushed my skirt down and was about to get back on my feet when a hand appeared infront of me.

Confused I looked up to see the man I bumped into holding his hand out for me to take.

Hesitantly placing my hands in his pretty big ones, I yelped when he pulled me up in a swift motion making my body collide with his hard chest, I barely reached his chest even with the heels on.

He was wearing a mask so I couldn't see his face, but his eyes. God his piercing green eyes looking into my soul made the hair at the back of my neck stand up.

Never in my life had I seen such an enchanting pair of green eyes, so rich, so royal, so deep that you could just get lost in them.

I immediately pulled back when I realised I was staring into his eyes like a creep.

"I'm s-sorry" I mumbled and quickly picked the spilled food before rushing back into the kitchen with my heart thudding loudly in my chest because of the embarrassment and the fear of how my manager would react to my clumsiness. Today's certainly not a good day for me.

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